2: Bomb proof your COREKayaking involves a huge amount of ab and trunk muscle work. These muscles in conjunction with your TVA (transverse abdominis, hidden beneath your six pack), intercostals (between your ribs) and lower back muscles make up you CORE muscles.
A forward stroke if done correctly involves very little arm push/pull and a large amount of trunk rotation. This means that a powerful kayaking stroke comes from powerful core muscles!
the great thing about training your CORE is that not only will it benefit your sports performance, not just kayaking, but it improves your posture and helps protect you from injury. so here a work your CORE at home routine
1. Front plank
http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/plank2. Side plank
http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/side-bridge3. Ab exercise 1: Choose one of any of the following list
http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bent-knee-hip-raisehttp://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/butt-upshttp://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/alternate-heel-touchershttp://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/air-bike4. lower back exercise 2
http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/superman5. Front plank
The bridges should be more concrete road bridge then rope suspension bridge. so if your finding that after a few secs your lower back is weakening and dipping then stop, take a break, and start again. Also any ab crunch type exercise should always be paired with a lower back exercise to prevent developing imbalances.
A sample beginner routine might look like this
1. 30 secs
2. 20 secs each side
3. 25 reps
4. 25 reps
5. 30 secs
NO BREAK in-between
repeat three times (3 times a week)
If you struggle with the times here start low and build up gradually. you'll be shocked how quickly you'll go from 10 second front planks to 3minutes!
The planks also work your shoulders and lower back so don't be surprised if your shoulders tire quickly when you first start.
This takes less then ten minutes and is well worth it in conjunction with shoulder protection will really help bring on your kayaking and help prevent injury (including kerry related drinking injury)
As per last post if you'd like to speed up your strength gain then talk to Finch about steroids he knows all the major brands and will help you pick ones that will fit with your typical training routine.
Feel free to post up questions. good luck
p.s. its a common misconception that huge amounts of ab work will get you a six pack! wrong. Get your body fat below 10 percent and bam instant abs! a help is doing your bridges, strengthening your TVA pushes your abs forward so even if you've got some insulation you might get some early 6 pack action (or at the very least a flatter stomach).