Boats and Gear > Lost and Found

Found: gear bag from last Thursday


I forgot to post up about this before, but I picked up a navy sports bag with a shoulder strap when I was leaving McTurcaills last Thursday, it had a wet towel and a pair of swimming trunks in it.
The towel and trunks have now been washed and the bag left out to air, anyone own it?

... It's not mine, but next time if I leave my bag in mcTurcaills will u bring it home, wash the gear inside and air out the bag for me???

I was thinking the exact same thing Rog, every club needs a maryanne.

Actually, I brought the bag to Niall's, forgot all about it and left it there.
He washed the towel when the stench got to him, and threw the bag out the window, where it was "aired" until it didn't smell so much.

Peter O'Sullivan:

--- Quote from: Maryanne on October 07, 2011, 11:30:43 ---He washed the towel when the stench got to him, and threw the bag out the window, where it was "aired" until it didn't smell so much.

--- End quote ---

Really - how bad was it? Must have been about to walk out the door itself.


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