Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes  (Read 10291 times)

Offline MarieH

  • Secretary 13/14
  • Posts: 498
  • Cowboys Ted.....Cowboys!!!!!
Committee Meeting Minutes
« on: October 25, 2013, 18:46:54 »
In the interest of good transparency within the club, the minutes of each committee meeting will be posted in this thread. At the end of each meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting will be posted. The aim of this record is to keep club members updated on the decisions that are being made on their behalf and to allow club members the opportunity to give feedback if they feel it is necessary. If anyone would like to give feedback, I would ask that you PM a committee member and we will take your feedback on board and incorporate it into decisions made at future committee meetings.

Offline MarieH

  • Secretary 13/14
  • Posts: 498
  • Cowboys Ted.....Cowboys!!!!!
Re: Committee Meeting Minutes
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 18:48:03 »
Committee Meeting - 10/10/2013

Fresher's Planning
Saturday night Pub
- McDaids upstairs room  booked

- nothing yet.
- Niall is on it!!!

Trailer Puller
- ~€250 estimated on fuel costs + €50

Trailer pack
- Deividas is putting up a post to organise people
- to begin pack at 2-4pm

- ring about pick up time 6.30pm
- collection point in UCD (clear with UCD first)
- ask about driver expenses
- €50 driver tip
- clear the collection point with UCD services (UCD traffic manager)

Saturday beach
- Stephen is bringing ball and has games planned

Sunday River
- Clashganny section
- aiming to leave hostel by 11am, on the water by 2pm and home by 8pm

Cooking + Food
- Derv will cook
- anything not in bold can be bought down in Midleton
- Me, Diarmuid, Deiv can do a food shop on Thursday evening (Lidl, Stillorgan)
- buy bin bags X 5, cloths,

Committee Costume
- Little Boo Peep and Sheep

Upcoming Events
Gear Talk
- Week 10 - try for Tuesday Night
- GODs
- night out after

Film Night
- Week 7
- take Thurdays night off the pool.
- try to book cinema, if not the Red Room (Somewhere comfy)

Slalom Day
- ask Aisling Conlan about instructors suitable for a beginner workshop

Smaller playboats for the pool
- In negotiations with Adrian from GODs about a small Jed.

- Chase pool about money for the spray decks
- 3 X new spraydecks for new playboats
- apply for special/emergency grant for safety equipment - helmets, BAs, paddles,

reduced cost for committee members on weekends away
- talk to Matt E what he thinks

Put minutes of the meeting and an end of month summary of the accounts into 'resources' on the forum
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 19:17:38 by MarieH »

Offline MarieH

  • Secretary 13/14
  • Posts: 498
  • Cowboys Ted.....Cowboys!!!!!
Re: Committee Meeting Minutes
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2013, 18:58:20 »
Committee Meeting 24/10/13


Gear Talk
- Scheduled for Tuesday 12th November at 6.30pm in Great Outdoors, Watersports department.

- Have the bus for €1000, but try to get a further discount.
- Contact Sarah (Trinity) to finalise their accommodation. We have a floor booked for UCD. Possibility of offering our oldies any free rooms in the hostel if Trinity decide not to book out a floor.
- Book the nightclub for the Saturday night and ask about concessions.
- Decided that it was unlikely to get a river done on the Sunday due to daylight hours and distance to a suitable river. If a trailer puller and instructors are available, try to get more surf done on the Sunday before heading back to Dublin.

Christmas Party
- Helena is going to look into booking a pub.
- first choice the new Messers.


Smaller playboat for the pool
- Marie will head out to i-canoe tomorrow (25/10/13) to see how the Star fits.
- compare this to the Jed.
- buy 4 new neoprene spraydecks with the new playboat (size small on the waist).

First Aid Kit
- Aoife is taking the First Aid kit to re-stock it. The club will reimburse her for any costs required.

DCPL Polo Boat
- Diarmuid is going to bring over the last polo boat before the next match so that footrests can be installed prior to the match.
- a combination lock will be put on the boats and the combination will be changed after each match.
- decide on a suitable formula for remembering the combination.

Training and Development

Slalom Day
- Steven is getting in contact with Aisling Conlan to enquire about suitable instructors for a slalom training day.
- Sunday would be the best day to do it.

RSR2 and L3 Assessments
- Niall and Steven are going to organise one ASAP (before Christmas).


Emergency Grant
- enquire with Suzanne Bailey about the best way to apply for the emergency grant for more safety equipment for the club (ie. helmets, BAs, paddles)

Payment for pool boats
- contact the pool about payment for boats (Diarmuid)

Reduced Cost for Committee Members
- re-assess the accounts before Lehinch to see if a trial-run discount could be applied for the weekend. Then re-assess the accounts after the weekend away.

Club Merchandise

- Good quality club hoodies (even if they cost a little extra) rather than cheaper quality.
- Helena is going to look into companies and designs.

Saturday Trips

Numbers for the next Saturday trip (26/10/13) are low
- Combination of long weekend and REC course being held on the Saturday.
- re-assess numbers after the pool session and if numbers are low enough, cancel the bus and use drivers instead. - - Drivers; Marie, Diarmuid, Evan.