This is mostly to the committee, I just can't be arsed PMing them all.
It's got so cold that fibreglass resin won't set if left outside so we (Niall, Karen, myself) can't do much more work on the fibreglass boats for a bit (we've got little done since college started anyway). So we have dropped the boats back to the boathouse. They are not totally done, but Lawrence and the Gola should be waterproof enough to take out for a paddle.
If ye can get the power to the boathouse plugs sorted and we got it a bit warmer with a heater we might be able to get a bit more done later. If you wish for more to be done, consult Niall. He is the Master of boat repairs (look at the tail of the Gola if you doubt me, it's nice).
We've dropped back to the boathouse
- The Blue Dancer - Hull is now repaired (still not very strong, recommend flatwater only), foot block ok, no backrest.
- The Gola - Should be waterproof. Not sure about backrest and foot blocks.
- The Gola Sprint - full of holes, we've done some of them and the cockpit but it needs more work. (Avoid using if possible).
- Lawrence the Deceptor - a present for you! Given by Waggers of DCU to the club via Karen provided it gets some use and we encourage people to do race training. Lawrence is mostly waterproof, again can't remember foot block or back rest status.