General > Competitions and Training

Polo: 11/05 Brownbears and Cringecats

<< < (4/7) > >>

you and ann-marie wanna bring the gear then?

Jean Kelly:

--- Quote from: Karen on May 09, 2012, 12:41:45 ---I can go!

--- End quote ---

Yeeeeeeeeeeee Karen... !!!! Brownbears are go... count me in :d


--- Quote from: Jean Kelly on May 10, 2012, 17:54:06 ---
--- Quote from: Karen on May 09, 2012, 12:41:45 ---I can go!

--- End quote ---

Yeeeeeeeeeeee Karen... !!!! Brownbears are go... count me in :d

--- End quote ---
I say, Do we have a fourth?

OI Quippie???  (ie Diarmuid)

pick you and ann marie and the gear up at the boat house at half 6/quarter to 7??


--- Quote from: HelenaC on May 10, 2012, 18:16:56 ---OI Quippie???  (ie Diarmuid)

pick you and ann marie and the gear up at the boat house at half 6/quarter to 7??

--- End quote ---

quippie, because i produce really good quotes, right?

yea, sure


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