Boats and Gear > Lost and Found

Lost bootie on Guinness' rapid

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Bill C:
Lost: palm-merrel size 11 left bootie on Guinness' rapid on the avonmore last Saturday. Black and green tape on the ends of the laces. Pints for whoever can reunite it with its heartbroken owner.

But Bill, how could you loose a boot if it was safely stowed away (along with your foot) in your boat?

If this is what I think it is then it is only right that the boot be returned full of beer.


--- Quote from: Cormac R on August 22, 2012, 00:35:22 ---But Bill, how could you loose a boot if it was safely stowed away (along with your foot) in your boat?

If this is what I think it is then it is only right that the boot be returned full of beer.

--- End quote ---

didnt cop that, brilliant cormac :D

Bill, he will stop at nothing to avoid a bootie beer by the looks of things.

Bill C:
Lads, I will more than gladly accept any level of slagging if ninety euros worth of bootie finds its way back to me.


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