Hello everybody!
The kayaking varsities will be held by Limerick University Kayak Club in Limerick from Friday the 8th to Sunday the 10th of February.
Here is the first instalment of information about the event
CAPTAIN AND SAFETIES WEEKEND - the reportThe Captains and Safeties planning weekend for varsities was held in Limerick by ULKC at the weekend and Niall and I went along to represent UCD.
Here's some of the information we got
Friday 8th - POLO17:30 - polo registration
19:00 - polo competition starts
23:15 - polo competition finishes
TBC, but assuming rules stay in line with previous years10 - on the panel
8 - on the water
5 - playing at one time, both genders must be represented
Starts with a league stage (ie not straight knock out)
If many more teams sign up this may have to change
The UL arena: a 50m pool (like ours) which will be split into two pitches
There will be time pressure on this event, there won't be time for breaks between matches so all teams will have to be ready in all their gear with their boats already outfitted to get on the water as soon as the final whistle for the previous match blows.
Polo players will go to Limerick ahead of the club bus, there is a chance that the bus might arrive in time to watch some of the last polo matches
UCDCC preparation:We are lucky that there are several club members who train in polo regularly in clubs outside UCD as well as many players who represent UCD in the DCPL every month whose experience will benefit the team hugely.
Team selection will consider
- participation and experience in polo
- time spent training
- fitness
More details on training opportunities, team selection and team preparation to followPolo thread here: http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,11255.0.htmlFriday 8th - PARTYThe party will be held on campus in UL and will kick off as the colleges arrive.
More details to followSaturday 9th - WHITEWATER07:30 - whitewater registration and trial runs
09:00 - whitewater competition starts
4, both genders must be represented
4 individual time trial runs
Course includes buoys and poles to be rounded and banners to be slapped
The Castleconnel river
ULKC have set up a slalom style course and will release a video of how to run it so that teams can prepare
Trial runs will be possible on the day to let teams get in a practice run.
The rapid itself is not very difficult, so this type of course will mean that colleges who cannot field a full team of 4 experienced whitewater paddlers will face consequences of slower times but not be in any extra danger to to inexperience.
UCDCC has a strong whitewater tradition and as such we will do our best to select competitors balancing competency in several areas
- whitewater experience
- technical skill
- speed and fitness
UCDCC preparationMore details to follow on thisWhitewater thread here: http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,11256.0.htmlSaturday 9th - LONG DISTANCE12:00 - long distance competition starts
In theory, everyone who wants to compete
This race will include many classes: K1, K2, HP, GP, Doubles, Topo Duo, Canadian
Each class will be offered in both men and women's categories, where a category has too few people who apply to compete that category will not run.
The course will be 6km long and we're waiting to here back whether there will be a shorter course (3 or 4km) for GP.
More details on which categories will be available to followVenue:
The river beside ULKC's boathouse
We'll be limited on how many can compete by how many boats we can bring and by how many suitable boats we have.
We will do our best to find boats to borrow where possible so that more people can compete or can compete in boats in better condition.
UCDCC preparation:We're planning on running a long distance training day in place of a club trip between now and varsities
More details to followClub members who want to borrow boats to get out and train on private trips should go through the gear borrowing process
http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,10611.0.htmlWhere there are more people interested in a category than there are boats available to us for that category factors considered in choosing who will take which boat will consider
- experience in the boat/category
- speed and fitness
- tactics (ie making sure we're represented in all categories)
Long distance thread here::
http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,11257.0.htmlSaturday 9th - PARTYThe party will be held on campus in UL
UL will organise DJs and perhaps a band
There will be a set list of tasks for all colleges to perform, each task will earn a certain amount of points (separate to the kayaking competition) and the winning college will receive free drinks and glory.
The fancy dress theme this year is open: each college must pick a theme for themselves, with no duplication of themes.
UCDCC preparation:
More details to follow on theme selectionSunday 10th - FREESTYLE09:00 - freestyle registration
10:00 - freestyle competition starts
4, both genders must be represented
Each competitor will have 6 runs at the wave, each run will be no longer than 45 seconds
All competitors will indicate what level of freestyle experience they have (eg beginner, intermediate, experienced) and will have their runs within a group of competitors of the same ability
ie: college teams of 4 will not necessarily compete in the same groups
Curragower wave in Limerick city
There are boardwalks on either side of the wave providing plenty of space for supporters to stand
UL will be trying to arrange music and a stand with sandwiches
There is a definite knack for getting on the wave and many people who tried for the first time at the weekend had difficulty getting on or staying on.
The trial day (mentioned below) should offer an opportunity to learn how to do this before the competition.
UCDCC preparation:
We will hold a trial for places on the team at Curragower
This event will give a larger group than the team selected a chance to be involved and experience the feature, this way anyone who doesn't make the team will still gain something from the event.
Team selection will consider
- ability to get on the wave consistently
- ability to do tricks on the wave
- the calibre of tricks performed
Freestyle thread here: http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,11258.0/topicseen.htmlOther notesKeep an eye on the forum for news about training and team building (social and banter) nights in the lead up to and after varsities