I also am looking for a team, my strategy of lurking til the end to prevent anyone left from feeling left out has backfired somewhat and I am teamless.
and since this is the first year peter O sullivan was a member of UCDCC it makes him our fresher.
No reasonable logic makes me a fresher. Going to stick with being an oldie. To aid organising I am not going to leave it to the start eddie join a team. Who wants me ( or should I say how many cans will bring )?
Peter if you join me I'll only be fresherless (no pressure though)
I'm a fresher, which team needs one?
And Stuart if you join me I'll only be oldieless (no pressure)
And if you both join I'll have some company bowing in champagne at the end

(or in the Lynam's carpark getting splashed with cider)
Let me know anyway.