Author Topic: Club Policy for Borrowing Gear and related Safety Form conditions  (Read 26210 times)

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
  • Posts: 3,120
Policy for borrowing gear
Gear borrowing forms
Before borrowing gear for a private trip the borrower in question must fill out all the details in the appropriate forms, a number of which shall be kept in a folder on the inside door of the boathouse. These completed Forms shall be placed in the appropriate folder which again can be found on the inside door of the boathouse. The safety officer shall hand these in to the sports office on request.

Committee signatures
The forms shall be signed by any two of, the training officer, the safety officer, the equipment officer or the captain.
If one of those two people is not the Captain, the Captain must in some way be informed of the intended river trip, and his or her approval must be sought and obtained.
Upon approval, if the equipment officer is not one of the people signing the form, the captain shall inform the equipment officer of the gear being borrowed.

Approval of gear lending
The Captain, Training Officer, Equipment Officer and Safety Officer shall make the decision as to whether or not to sign the said form, and the captain shall only approve the trip, on the basis of the following information that must be supplied by the gear borrower prior to borrowing;

a) The River or feature that the gear is being borrowed for, and its ICU difficulty grade.
b) The gear planning to be borrowed.
c) The group of kayakers planning to kayak the said River or feature, and the ICU kayaking skills proficiency of the gear borrower.
d) An accurate indication as to the water levels expected to be encountered on the river or feature in question.
e) When the gear being borrowed shall be returned to the boathouse.

No gear may be borrowed from University College Dublin Canoe Club unless the previous procedures have been followed.

Responsibilities of borrower
The gear borrower shall be responsible for the gear being borrowed for the entire duration of time from the point of the gear leaving the boathouse to the gear being returned to the boathouse.
Any damage caused to privately borrowed club gear due to irresponsible behaviour shall be the fault of the borrower and the estimated value of depreciation of the gear due to this damage shall be reimbursed to the club by the borrower.

[centre]To borrow gear in 2020/2021 the people to contact are:
Captain - Meabh Lynch
and one of
Safety Officer - Cathal Gillen
Training Officer - Conor Healy
Equipment Officer - Matthew Duffy

Online Form:
(updated 29/04/19)

For more information see gear borrowing guide
« Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 15:20:38 by Mark Hoare »

Offline Maryanne

  • Captain 12/13
  • Posts: 3,120
Re: Club gear lending policy
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 21:02:40 »
Steps for gear borrowing

1 Read gear lending policy
-> Gear Lending Policy
- it's pretty central to the whole process

2 Fill out the gear borrowing form with details of trip
-> Online Gear Borrowing Form
- the required fields cover weather, water levels, other paddlers as well as which gear you'd like to borrow

3 Contact two committee members to get approval for the trip
- according to the gear lending policy one of these must always be the captain and the other must be safety, training or equipment
- since you've now submitted a form with all relevant information on the trip this step should work faster

4 Receive confirmation
- or not, some trips may be refused

5 Borrow gear, go paddling
- you'll need to meet with a committee member to open the boathouse
- bring yourself and the gear back safely
- wash and dry thoroughly any gear that has left the country
- hang gear up on the racks
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 10:51:25 by johnf95 »