Results from varsities at UL this year. Only the top 20 in each category were listed!
Well done to everyone!
K1:Liam Banks - 2nd
Men's HP:Sean McCarthy - 2nd
Ross Kerrigan - 9th
Peter O'Sullivan - 17th
Women's HP:Katie McLoughlin - 7th
Maryanne Doyle - 10th
Roisin Mossop - 13th
Men's GP:Bill Corbett - 4th
*Diarmuid Ryan - 15th
Steven Mulrooney - 17th
Women's GP:Marie Harrington - 2nd
Aoife Sheridan - 17th
Kate Barry - 19th
GP Duo:Niall Finch & Cormac Roche - 3rd
Louis O'Carroll & Simon Rowan - 4th
Dervla McAuley & Nuala McAuley - 9th
Sean McCarthy &

- 11th
Canadian Canoe:Garbhan Gorman & Deividas Rainys - 7th
Briain Gannon & Cillian Totterdell - 10th
Joey McCarthy & Oisin McHugh - 12th
*There is some debate over this result as Diarmuid was not actually on the water for this race.