Oh dear
Very succinct Eoghan. A costume and drinking vessel suggestion as well as a town forecast in one link.
I love both of these reactions

I also love that song and the fact that it appears to be Eoghan's current mission statement

I was going to write a post with a timeline of phases and moods of Lahinch where each list item was a link to a different version/cover/parody/remix of the song...but I think that's an unacceptably indulgent and time consuming level of procrastination.
Ok just
one two:
When - Friday night
Where - on the bus
What - over excited initial reaction to being at a canoe club party: first taste of alcohol in weeks and you realise you're going away from college for a whole weekend. The resulting surge of adrenalin makes for an intoxicating night in extreme cases leading to needing to go to bed when you get to Lahinch and/or extra naps on Saturday - Saturday night/Sunday morning
Where - the only nightclub in the village
What - the nightclub went from totally empty to filled with everyone from a 20km radius, somebody's having a hen night, the club is covered in bits of fancy dress costumes, there's not long left until the place closes and then the song you requested as a shout out to the club hours before comes on