Just wondering what peoples thoughts are of doing this CI course (
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=586034168151893&set=a.339178796170766.82567.339150872840225&type=1&theater), versus going out with a group peer paddling for probably a longer time? The course seems class, but I'd only be in Slovenia for 6 days, and it would be unlikely that I would get anywhere else, considering I wouldn't have a boat, although I could rent, but I'd be afraid of my money running out at that stage...
I know Eoghan, Dave, Maryanne, and Bill did a similar type course, and they also did rescue for the other CI courses, that might be a possible way to get the most out of it (adding up to 3 weeks in Slovenia), if Benny would have me, but I'd be doubtful of getting that.
What do people think? Would peer paddling all over the Alps be better, or getting to do the L5 skills syllabus and get a L4 cert in Slovenia be better for my kayaking?