Author Topic: Alps  (Read 29241 times)

Offline kmck

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« on: December 18, 2013, 14:11:57 »
It looks likes I'll have money and holidays this year, so getting the ball rolling, Alps who'd be interested

Offline Kerry Gold

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Re: Alps
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2013, 15:57:41 »
Ammmmmmmmmm...never mind

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Alps
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2013, 22:03:42 »
Think I'd be interested but not sure if I'd be up to it yet and also I'd have to be back for the start of June :P

Offline Zog

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Re: Alps
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2013, 14:05:06 »
Same as Steve, I'd love to but I really don't know my paddling level being enough..

Offline DervM

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Re: Alps
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2013, 15:04:56 »
Hey guys, I was talking to some people on committee in ULKC when I was home on study break.

We were considering getting together and trying to run a bit of a joint Alps trip (using their resources - bus, van, etc.) They seemed pretty keen as they feel their club don't make enough contact with other clubs either. We could also have car outriders if there were cars - enabling people to go off and do their own thing also.

What does anyone think of the concept?

Offline Garbhan

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Re: Alps
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2013, 15:24:24 »
My current plan is to go with DIT to Slovenia, but I would be interested to meet up with other club if possible.

Offline Zog

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Re: Alps
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2014, 17:59:26 »
I'd lve to go to slovenia straight after exams, the 20th of May through to the 30th of May are the dates I can travel, I'd be willing to to drive, any takers?

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Alps
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2014, 18:16:13 »
Unfortunately I have a wedding to go to on Friday the 6th of June. Very inconveniently my sister decided to get married on that date. I would like to go paddling but not sure how much time I have between finish college and the 6th. So far its been a poor year for snow. Probably best to error on the side of going early this year. 

Offline sarahmc

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Re: Alps
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2014, 17:24:00 »
DUKC could be going to the alps again - not sure where - depends on the group thats interested - but could be worth linking up if we both have small numbers again like last year?

Offline Ross

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Re: Alps
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2014, 11:22:41 »
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are of doing this CI course (, versus going out with a group peer paddling for probably a longer time? The course seems class, but I'd only be in Slovenia for 6 days, and it would be unlikely that I would get anywhere else, considering I wouldn't have a boat, although I could rent, but I'd be afraid of my money running out at that stage...

I know Eoghan, Dave, Maryanne, and Bill did a similar type course, and they also did rescue for the other CI courses, that might be a possible way to get the most out of it (adding up to 3 weeks in Slovenia), if Benny would have me, but I'd be doubtful of getting that.

What do people think? Would peer paddling all over the Alps be better, or getting to do the L5 skills syllabus and get a L4 cert in Slovenia be better for my kayaking?

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Alps
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2014, 11:29:18 »
Check if have spaces left for Slovenia maybe? Or check with the kayaking company? They're heading to Italy too!

Offline kmck

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Re: Alps
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2014, 11:51:40 »
Hey Ross I am looking at that as well, you can fly your gear out and rent a car. Currently I don't have money for the deposit so going to have a think about it.  We could use that as a start for a two week stint in the alps and move after the first week join up with others. Trininty are making plans in the long stone tomorrow night if you want to see what they are up to.

Offline Ross

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Re: Alps
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 12:13:53 »
Check if have spaces left for Slovenia maybe? Or check with the kayaking company? They're heading to Italy too!'s course wouldn't be of the standard I'd be interested in I think...

The Kayaking Company is an option, I think the Italy one is the only thing left free, but I doubt it'd be as good as the CI one, but it'll be worth emailing them I think...

Hey Ross I am looking at that as well, you can fly your gear out and rent a car. Currently I don't have money for the deposit so going to have a think about it.  We could use that as a start for a two week stint in the alps and move after the first week join up with others. Trininty are making plans in the long stone tomorrow night if you want to see what they are up to.

Yeah, I doubt I'll be able to rent a car myself because I'm only 20, although by that stage I'll have a license 2 and a half years. I'll email Benny and see what he says, if I can get in with him for the extra 2 weeks, I'll probably save a bit of money that I would end up spending on going to wherever the others are? You would be doing the Revolution course too Kieran so if we were to do that?

Offline Zog

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Re: Alps
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2014, 13:28:05 »
I know its a bit off topic but just to reiterate I would love to go paddling in mid may ie from the 19th to the 30th of May, I can drive too..just putting it out there..

Offline Maryanne

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Re: Alps
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2014, 15:10:38 »
I know Eoghan, Dave, Maryanne, and Bill did a similar type course, and they also did rescue for the other CI courses, that might be a possible way to get the most out of it (adding up to 3 weeks in Slovenia), if Benny would have me, but I'd be doubtful of getting that.

Just saw this now, that course was great! Learned loads :)