Author Topic: Drysuit  (Read 23587 times)

Offline Kerry Gold

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« on: October 20, 2014, 16:12:52 »
I want to get a drysuit. It's hard looking them up,

Offline kmck

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 17:48:14 »
Drysuits retail from Around €500 to €1200, Are you looking for a paddle specific or just a general drysuit?

Are you going to be doing much paddling as you can get a similar effect using drypants and dry cag. I use this as I couldn't afford the drysuit, dry cag option. I might go for a dry suit this year if I have the spare cash. I would seriously suggest this option if you don't intend to be paddling multiple days in a row or spending more than 3 hours in a boat

Reed do custom sized drysuits for around €400
This is more of a brief immersion suit than a hard wearing everyday suit. Benny and Killian had these a number of years ago and found they wore out quick.

Typhoon do a range of drysuits, the most common is their multisport Dave and Diarmuid own one of these babies worth asking their opinions. Also has a custom made option

Next in price range are the palm drysuits again a range of suits from brief immersion to full on

Finally the most expensive end of the scale Kokatat Drysuits. They offer a very good after sales service which is why they are considered the best. You pay for that
Steve has the Jackson version. Some of their drysuits can be custom made

Offline Diarmuid

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 19:27:49 »
I've only had my drysuit a few weeks so it's a bit early to call (and I've nothing to compare it to) but it seems very good!

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2014, 20:20:23 »
I want to get a drysuit. It's hard looking them up,

Shouldn't you be buying a boat or paddle first? Get on to ULKC. They paddle the White river near you (Loghill) every so often. You should try paddle the Deel in Askeaton too.

Offline Kerry Gold

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2014, 13:19:21 »
paddle and boat are also on my to get list, but drysuit is first on my mind

Offline Zog

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2014, 01:03:54 »
Id have to agree with Peter and get a paddle and boat, Drysuit Is a luxury, paddles, boat, pfd, are all essentials..

Offline Conor Mohan

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2014, 19:26:47 »
To be fair, I wouldn't say there's any harm in getting a drysuit first. I mean, once you're in a club that provides all the equipment other than a drysuit, and you know you like the sport, I can't see any difficulty in getting a drysuit before a boat or paddle.

The order in which you pick up your paddling things is something that you choose, based on your own priorities.

Obviously though, if you want to do more private trips without the hassle of borrowing gear you may want to consider looking into a boat & paddle first.

Offline Aoife S

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2014, 20:27:25 »
I know myself I went for dry gear long before I even looked at boats and paddles!! (Waiting is so not worth the hypothermia!!)

It might be an idea to get a dry cag/pants combo? It means then during the slightly warmer months you've a cag to fall back on :) it also means you could get a cag first with a helmet and ba and then get the pants...that way you're warm and you know the safety gear you're using is up to scratch! :) that's what worked for me anyway!

Offline Jocano

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Re: Drysuit
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2014, 12:39:36 »
An advantage of getting other gear first is that you can improve on your technique (a good deck and paddles help a lot!) ... And if you are semi-dry like me (second hand dry-cag, stays mostly dry as long as I don't swim; wetsuit bottoms) it means that you will be warm enough even if you go for a swim, but gives you enough motivation to improve on your technique so you don't have to swim ;)

So for me it was gear and safety first (still missing a BA..) and I would do that again.

But as Conor said, it's totally up to you, this is just another bit of input.