Author Topic: Pool sessions over the summer  (Read 13186 times)

Offline Jocano

  • Posts: 214
Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2014, 12:47:58 »
For me, the pool has the advantage of being a simple and quick after-work possibility. No gear needed, 2 mins from the office. I don't see it as a replacement for real (as in outdoor) paddling, but as a supplement. I am not a gym guy. Did it for a few years, but always hated it.
Anyway, I understand that it'll be hardly possible anyway.. What about dodder in the early evening, I assume we can use club playboats? But we always need committee around, right?

Offline Shanek101

  • Posts: 9
Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2014, 18:47:42 »
I would be interested in this and should be around UCD during the summer :) I wasnt able to get enough pool time 2nd semester due to injury and other commitments and would be nice and handy to practice the basics in a controlled environment

I do know however that other sports clubs only get one night a week (Wednesday) during the summer when they can use facilities or else they have to pay.  Also, if they DONT show up they have to pay for the rental of the hall and lose their slot so dont do that :P

Best to just ask the sports centre what they can do

Offline Aoife S

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Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2014, 22:53:33 »
Unfortunately the pool isn't run by the same management as the sports halls.  There are apecial arrangements in place for the pool sessions during the year outside of the usual hall rentals. 

The committee have looked at this but as I posted on the other thread it's not feasible to run pool sessions.  There's plenty of paddling opportunitys available outside of the pool over the summer, a time where there's actually no need for a pool (they're only used to stop people getting hypothermia from rolling sessions during winter)

Sorry lads, but there's no way we'll be able to get them sorted over the summer!

Offline Steven Mul

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Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2014, 23:13:28 »
Johannes, to answer your question about the Dodder in the evening. I haven't actually been down there before to paddle, but once it's bright (which it is til about half 10 or 11 in mid summer) you'd probably be fine to paddle down there. Once you fill out gear borrowing forms and receive the appropriate permission you could definitely use club boats, although I'd imagine you wouldn't get the permission unless you were paddling with others. You could try to arrange evenings where a few of you head down to practice rolls and freestyle/polo. It'd be handy for you to have a committee member there though just for getting boats in and out of the boathouse.

Offline Jocano

  • Posts: 214
Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2014, 23:55:37 »
That's what I meant. Wouldn't go paddling alone, anyway :) Thanks!

Offline Maryanne

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Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2014, 19:23:58 »
Maryanne do you mean that the free time we get during the year is just the amount that the subsidy pays for?
Also does this money come through the club or straight to the pool.. Is there any left if it comes to having to pay?

We're not charged for our two sessions a week, but if we increased that we would need to pay for the extra.
I found this out when we were starting in the pool and I was trying to establish occasional Sunday pool sessions using the whole pool for things like full pitch canoe polo tournaments.

Turns out that that was prohibitively expensive since paying to keep the pool open late for an hour or two cost well over a thousand euro.

Offline Maryanne

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Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2014, 19:28:51 »
I'm sure the club wouldn't mind us using the boats and the paddles Ross?
Nope that wouldn't have been an issue at all!

The gear borrowing policy is pinned at the top of the resources section of the board, good reading to do before the summer :),10611.0.html

Offline KatieMcLoughlin

  • Posts: 250
Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2014, 20:04:49 »

Kilcock Canoe Polo Club only have the adult membership rate (€100 I think it was). If you paddle with them more than once, you have to pay it, no messing. Probably the best spot to go to to learn Canoe Polo, they're ridiculously good. I paddled there for the whole summer at the end of first year.

Seriously all males should consider this place, just look at the difference in Diarmuid between first year and second year.....

Offline Douchier

  • Posts: 360
Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2014, 15:34:33 »
The Dodder's a grand spot.

Downstream of the bridge there's a nice stretch that's wide and plenty deep.

If there was a will to have some kind of polo or freestyle training over the Summer, it'd be ideal.
It's something that we tried to get going when polo was just starting in the club, but we never really had enough numbers to make it happen. There's A LOT more people playing polo now though, so maybe?

FYI, many years ago(2008/9?), we (mostly Benny and Tom I think) set up a polo-pitch and slalom course down there. Unfortunately local anglers took exception to this and it all got destroyed. It could be worth trying again if there's the will, you'd definitely manage polo goals as you could just put them up and take em down (the stuff is still in the boathouse).

Offline canoekev

  • Posts: 54
Re: Pool sessions over the summer
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2014, 17:09:50 »

If there was a will to have some kind of polo or freestyle training over the Summer, it'd be ideal.
It's something that we tried to get going when polo was just starting in the club, but we never really had enough numbers to make it happen. There's A LOT more people playing polo now though, so maybe?

^^ I would definitely be interested in something like this and do you mean the bridge near ucd?