Author Topic: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014  (Read 9870 times)

Offline Andy J

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BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:13:50 »

What's stirring? A trip to Fundoran is what!

WHEN?: 14th-16th November
WHERE?: Bundoran, Co. Donegal
HOW MUCH?: The price is just €50.  This will include the bus, accommodation, breakfast and a dinner! 

WHAT?:  So like last time, we will be heading down on the Friday on the bus from UCD. 
Saturday, we will go surfing on the local beach, with the possibility of more on Sunday!!
Saturday night we will have a massive fancy dress party! (that's costumes for all ye Americans :P) the theme this year is.....(Drum roll please....)......DISNEY!!!!

We are rolling over a rule from last year, of odd drinking vessels. So bring something to put your drink into, but it cannot be something that normally contains a drink, so cups, mug, teapots, bottles, etc. are out!


The bus will be leaving UCD at 6pm Friday 14th Nov!!!
It will be leaving from the bus stop at the 'sports cafe' end of the student centre (by the sports centre carpark, where we got the bus to Tramore)  If you think you are going to be late, please ring a committee member to let us know!  If you are there early we'll be meeting up in the bar for a while before hand :)

What to bring:

(obviously, but you never know....)

Paddling gear!!!
(that's thermals, thermals and more thermals!!!)

Fancy dress costume!!!!
(This year's theme is 'Disney'!)

Sleeping bag
(if you have one)

Drinking vessel!!!
(this is compulsory...even if you're not drinking alcohol!!! We mean anything that doesn't usually count as an item for drinking from!)

Alcohol for the bus!!!
(please avoid cans if you have small bladder syndrome, spirits are advised ;P )

Spending money!!!
(this will be for the nightclub on Saturday, alcohol, any snacks that you may want along the way)

Dinner will be provided on Saturday night and Breakfast in the mornings!
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements before we go, so we don't kill you :P

The trailer pack will be Friday 14th of Novemeber! If you want to go kayaking over the weekend (don't deny it!! You want to go kayaking...) you must go to the boathouse between 11 and 2 to pack a boat! If you can't make it please let Ross (087 245 6200) or Me (Andy) (085 789 7269) know tell them your full name, general height/dimensions and what boat you've used before (this way you won't have a boat that is far too small for you when you're down there!).

Remember, you are not guaranteed a place until you have paid one of the committee members in full!

Paid Bus Peeps:

    1. Alex
    2. Sara
    3. Éanna
    4. Simon
    5. Greg
    6. Evan
    7. Jamie Beattie
    8. Ross K
    9. Niamh
    10. Anna May
    11. Jacqui
    12. Laura
    13. Adam
    14. Ilya
    15. Ailbhe
    16. Deividas
    17. Helen
    18. Yvette
    19. David Q
    20. Zog
    21. Mike (MOM!)
    22. Séamus
    23. Naddy
    24. Nicki
    25. Andy J
    26. Kevin

    Non-bus and payed:
    Andrew L

    Paying there:
    Kieran (Friday Night only)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 13:50:09 by Ross »

Offline Andru93

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Re: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 12:35:16 »
Up and soon to be paid!

Like this efficiency 3 weeks notice!

Offline Diarmuid

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Re: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 17:35:44 »

Offline Kerry Gold

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Re: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2014, 11:54:52 »
 afro.gif disco stu
is comeing too

Offline KatieMcLoughlin

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Re: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2014, 12:39:10 »
This oldie might make an might her alter ego 'Glitter Bitch' the form of tinkerbell....hehehe  evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2014, 20:35:19 »
Sign me up. Getting a lift there with Kieran and the bus back. Hope to paddle the Duff falls Friday.

Anyone with a boathouse key around at 10.15 to let Diarmuid and I into the boathouse? 
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 20:40:02 by Peter O'Sullivan »

Offline Kerry Gold

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Re: BUNDORAN!! 14-16 November 2014
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2014, 18:41:15 »
This oldie might make an might her alter ego 'Glitter Bitch' the form of tinkerbell....hehehe  evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif evil.gif