Hey guys!
So this weekend, we are planning on doing something a little bit different before the our new members join us next week!
We are looking to head to Stackalen for a few hours to run over basic rescue techniques that will be needed during both club trips and when out on peer river trips!
Due to it's nature, this trip is only open to Committee, Level 3 holders, and a number of level 3 standard paddlers, who I will message separately this evening! If you aren't one of these people, don't worry! I will be hopefully running more rescue training during the year!
It would be great if older members of the club could join us to share your knowledge and experience so that the club can continue to grow the way it has in recent years!
If people could let me know if they would prefer it on Saturday or Sunday it would be great! If at all possible it'd be great to run this as a roof rack trip, so if you can come and/or drive, Sign up here:
1. Aoife
2. Simon
3. Kieran
4. Andrew L
5. Ailbhe?
6. Ross?

Possibly Saturday