Author Topic: Week 2 pool sessions  (Read 8106 times)

Offline Aoife S

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Week 2 pool sessions
« on: September 13, 2015, 21:26:32 »
Hey guys!

So I know that having no pool sessions last week was a bit of a downer, and lot of people have been looking forward to them this week.

As many of you will remember the first few Fresher pool sessions last year were PACKED! and a lot of freshers got lost in it all, while no continuing paddlers got a chance in a boat.

This year, just to help keep things cool, calm and collected we've decided to make the pool sessions this week a Freshers only affair, with just the committee and one or two of last year's committee there to run safety drills and get people sitting in boats :)

Hopefully this will move things along so the next few weeks will be a bit easier to move through :)

Sorry if this messes up anyone's plans, we still fully encourage club happenings in the student bar 😜 and hope to see you all at Dun Laoighre this Saturday!! 😁

Offline DervM

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Re: Week 2 pool sessions
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2015, 23:02:27 »
Nice plan! First week has been way too manic to encourage people to stay in the club the last few years.

Maybe a night out for everyone else from 22:00 in the Student Bar would fit in well?

Offline CormacR

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Re: Week 2 pool sessions
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2015, 10:47:37 »
.... and Diarmuid and Andrew were never heard from again.