Hey guys!
So I know that having no pool sessions last week was a bit of a downer, and lot of people have been looking forward to them this week.
As many of you will remember the first few Fresher pool sessions last year were PACKED! and a lot of freshers got lost in it all, while no continuing paddlers got a chance in a boat.
This year, just to help keep things cool, calm and collected we've decided to make the pool sessions this week a Freshers only affair, with just the committee and one or two of last year's committee there to run safety drills and get people sitting in boats

Hopefully this will move things along so the next few weeks will be a bit easier to move through
Sorry if this messes up anyone's plans, we still fully encourage club happenings in the student bar 😜 and hope to see you all at Dun Laoighre this Saturday!! 😁