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--- Quote from: Peter O'Sullivan on August 01, 2016, 09:54:14 ---If you're stuck for numbers ask mountineers or caving club.

I would prefer campus for the training. Don't want to add a hour drive to and from Laragh to a long day.

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You'd be staying the night down there though

Poopy Dick:

--- Quote from: Ross on July 31, 2016, 23:41:42 ---As I've done it in both, I think I am qualified to say it's similar enough, however going to Laragh is better craic as you can make a weekend of it and hang out and drink, rather than it just being a course.

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One can drink in Dublin too 😜 could involve others in the craic too then

Can't ice-skate:
Yeah hopefully we'll get a pre college reunion session or two in over the weekend!

I would quote Simon's post but I always mess it up when I try lol


--- Quote ---I would quote Simon's post but I always mess it up when I try lol
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