Author Topic: MERRY KERRY  (Read 31552 times)

Offline Can't ice-skate

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« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2016, 16:29:43 »
Going for full thing

Offline Anna-May Kiely

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« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2016, 17:20:02 »

From the most wonderful day of the year to the 3rd, can't wait!!

I am also very excited about the Bank Holiday! (not to mention Hayley Williams birthday.. I celebrate it every year  ;D )

Anniversary of Spanish democracy too, as well as the day Stalin did some evil stuff. The day is very important, much bigger than any one person

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Surely if it's the day Stalin did evil things it cant be wonderful?

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Who says Ross isn't a communist and actually agrees with Stalins polices?

Can't a man have political views,Anna-May??

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There's Stalin's policies and then his actions,  two completely separate things Niamh

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Offline Ross

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« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2016, 18:36:45 »

From the most wonderful day of the year to the 3rd, can't wait!!

I am also very excited about the Bank Holiday! (not to mention Hayley Williams birthday.. I celebrate it every year  ;D )

Anniversary of Spanish democracy too, as well as the day Stalin did some evil stuff. The day is very important, much bigger than any one person

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Surely if it's the day Stalin did evil things it cant be wonderful?

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Who says Ross isn't a communist and actually agrees with Stalins polices?

Can't a man have political views,Anna-May??

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk
There's Stalin's policies and then his actions,  two completely separate things Niamh

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Are you even familiar with Stalins policies Niamh?

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Offline Niamh Delaney

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« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2016, 19:32:32 »

From the most wonderful day of the year to the 3rd, can't wait!!

I am also very excited about the Bank Holiday! (not to mention Hayley Williams birthday.. I celebrate it every year  ;D )

Anniversary of Spanish democracy too, as well as the day Stalin did some evil stuff. The day is very important, much bigger than any one person

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Surely if it's the day Stalin did evil things it cant be wonderful?

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Who says Ross isn't a communist and actually agrees with Stalins polices?

Can't a man have political views,Anna-May??

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk
There's Stalin's policies and then his actions,  two completely separate things Niamh

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Are you even familiar with Stalins policies Niamh?

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Hey! I was defending you Ross
Won't be making that mistake again ...

Offline NadineJones

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« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2016, 21:51:17 »
Yessss - will probably be down for the full shabang #5yearsinarow bitches :P

Offline Kerry Gold

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« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2016, 21:59:18 »
they whole thing!!
and longer if i can.

Offline Poopy Dick

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« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2016, 23:04:25 »
All. All of them 😊

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2016, 23:05:34 »
I booked an oldie house, same place as last year. Down for the week.

Offline Mike O'Malley

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« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2016, 23:07:47 »
probably 5 days, first day to whenever

Offline DervM

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« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2016, 10:29:44 »
Probably cause Stalin was rotten at being a communist.

Should be down for some days, but it depends on the water.

Offline helenabutterly

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« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2016, 12:14:57 »
Pop my name down plz! Probs 27th-31st (ish)

Offline DJ Evie

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« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2016, 12:19:59 »
Hopefully can come from 27th to 31st:) also on the Stalin front; his fabulously full moustache has to be a redeeming quality for his poor leadership abilities :D

Offline kmck

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« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2016, 14:39:20 »
I'm going down for I think my 18th Kerry, so I will finally be able to drink....this lie is so large I do worry it will crash the internet.

I will be driving down on the 27th, two boat spaces and two people spaces. Will be heading back on the 2nd/3rd.

My advice from my vast experience is as follows:
Bring a towel
Bring some cash and cans/drink of choice
Bring some warm clothes - read the staying warm on rivers section of the board
Bring any paddling gear you own, even if it's just a wetsuit
Bring a musical instrument if you play
Bring a sense of humour
Bring your own supply of painkillers and medications for your hangover or cold
Don't forget to text your loved ones on new years eve and then don't forget to forget everything they warned you not to do except for the bear wrestling, they are right about the bear wrestling
Eat some fresh fruit everyday
Get boating as much as possible but if it's a dry Kerry there is plenty of walks, surf and hikes to do

Offline Aoife S

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« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2016, 17:06:11 »
Bring some warm clothes - read the staying warm on rivers section of the board
Bring your own supply of painkillers and medications for your hangover or cold
Don't forget to text your loved ones
Eat some fresh fruit everyday

^solid advice to anyone on their first Kerry! There is a scientifically proven illness that only affects kayaker and only after Kerry,  aptly named  Kerry Flu!  Get your Vitamin C into you over Christmas and expect to catch a cold! (After all, you'll be floating down freezing rivers and partying every night, not exactly an immune systems best friend 😖😂)

Also, warn parents that phone signal can be a but shot but send them a text every now and then to let them know you're alive! (It's saves you an earful when you come crawling home with a week's worth of a hangover...)

I'll be there from the 29th to whenever I've to be back in work... If anyone is driving down around then I'd live a lift 🙈😂

Offline Andy J

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« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2016, 14:32:18 »
Any change for an ex-lepper?

I'd join in with you guys if that's cool. 27th-2nd/3rd, might have to change that if work comes up.

I'll be driving form Cork if that helps anyone for lifts.