General > Competitions and Training

Jog? Or something


Poopy Dick:
Would anyone be interested in starting doing like a jog a week around one of the UCD walks. Something that you could like time so you could see your improvement etc. Say start on one of the shorter walks and work our way up... Just a thought, help in our paddle fit ability and whatnot

So the weekly jog...Or something is going to be on every Tuesday at 7pm for anyone who wants to join up with the cool kids 😃 our first one will be the 31st of January, and will be held a bit earlier to give us time to get showered before the movie night 😁


I'd be up for that!

Poopy Dick:
Say maybe... Before a pool session... Or possibly on Monday/Tuesday just before dinner. Doesn't have to be something major, just people would be more likely to push themselves if others are about

DJ Evie:
I love this idea! :)


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