Author Topic: Committee minutes 17/18  (Read 14804 times)

Offline ShakaShaw

  • Summer Pool Olympics Champ 2018 Winter Pool Olympics Champ 2019
  • Committee 16/17
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  • Posts: 121
Committee minutes 17/18
« on: January 12, 2018, 18:18:15 »
 - all present.
 - made new committee members forum admins, remove past committee from forum admins
   same for facebook.
 - forum payment details to be transferred over to Ailbhe Cunningham from Sara Griffin
 - Paddle Fit will be handled by John Enright until the end of the year, at the start of the new semester John
    Finn will take over.
 - Boathouse cleanup will take place sometime at exam period or after exams, exact date TBD.Try get a skip
    from campus services
 - hand over dinner planned for Friday week, the 21st of April at Captain Americas, time 7pm
 - make a facebook group specifically for freshers
 - update the committee guide (old committee members)
 - push to try get a div 3 canoe polo team, canoe polo training in the pool - 1st wednesday of the month
   would be a polo night were serious training will happen and the 3rd or so wednesday of each month will be
   a somewhat easier training night, make it somewhat fun to try get interest in polo
 - try get 2 teams for MCPL (Munster Canoe Polo League) - can get buses for that
 - assesments the 29th of April
 - next meeting planned for either tuesday the 18th of april or wednesday the 19th of april
 - no club river trip to be had this weekend as its easter weekend, people can go on private trips if they so wish.

 - all present
 - result of SAC grant , get serious suggestions of what gear we need on the forum and let people know that
   they can jump in on the order if they want to order gear
 - ideas for freshers: bundoran, portbeg holiday homes, bun duff, inny possible rivers
                              lahinch , lahinch surf hostel, castelconel
                              tramore, beach haven hostel, clashganny
 - freshers weekend will be around the 13th to 15th give or take a week
 - colors, look into IMC hut, around 10th - 12th november, run a race saturday, club trip sunday
 - assesments - push people for lvl2, people like maria inés, aofia gordon, rachel shannon, michael feeley
 - polo thread on forum
 - boathouse cleanup end of exams, still need a skip from campus services
 - looking into organising a REC3 or RSR2
 - child officer is still sara until october

 - all present
 - sort a bus for freshers, dublin coach
 - sports expo table is sorted, get membership cards, look into vistaprint as they sometimes have deals over the summer, get mark to pimp out an old boat with wheels or something to try entice new freshers
 - Vaughn Mason for REC3
 - get a list of the discarded boats
 - get a list of what gear has been borrowed over the summer and get people borrowing gear to fill out a gear borrowing form
 - get onto Lynam about the towing the trailer for freshers
 - set up some sort of key list in the sports centre for people to be able to get into the boathouse over summer without the need of a committee member being there
 - look into park and play

 - all present bar ross and sara
 - sports expo, fliers to be made which have info like pool times,welcome night, freshers dates and details, get mark to run around campus with a boat to try promote the club
 - fill in the expo timetable so that there will be someone at the stand at all times, computers needed at the stand, meet at the boathouse at 8am in order to get boats and gear for the expo
 - officer training wednesday 13th at 5 in astra hall
 - welcome night is in week 3 tuesday the 26th, book a room,
 - first trip, lucan static sunday 24th, book a bus
 - get the trailer serviced, ask lyanm for help
 - rsr2 Dave oreilly offered to do it for free sometime at the end of october
 - need instructors for freshers - simon, planning on charging €60pp, cable tie night
 - colors - price a bus, lvl3 instructor needed for trip, talk to lynams about using their minibus as transport from IMC to lynams and back
 - read the constitution and safety documents
 - think up ideas of a committee costume for freshers

 - all present bar ross and sara
 - shop for freshers happening thursday evening
 - boat pack on thursday evening before pool and friday between 3:30 and 5
 - bus is getting to UCD at 6:30pm ,send a google map pin of where exactly to pick us up
 - get pumped for freshers

 - all present bar evie
 - kerry - kenmare
 - get a bus for tramore
 - no fancy dress for colors, a creative drinking vessel instead
 - run the clashganny on the sunday on the way back

 - all present
 - make sure to pack the cable ties
 - shop is planned for thursday sometime after 6
 - organise gear pack and wash boats
 - assessments planned for week 11, push people to do their lvl2
 - email sent to suzanne about moving back into the boathouse, no reply