General > Competitions and Training

Clifden freestyle Series

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Evie, inflatables are also known as "blow up" or pool floats.

 Also never look up what a looner is or inflatophilia, just don't your life will be happier not knowing what those things are.

Kerry Gold:
I won't be coming. (going to donegal instead :))

kieran, tempt me, but im not going to look those up for now

DJ Evie:

--- Quote from: kmck on July 31, 2017, 13:58:20 ---Evie, inflatables are also known as "blow up" or pool floats.

 Also never look up what a looner is or inflatophilia, just don't your life will be happier not knowing what those things are.

--- End quote ---

Certainly won't be looking them up on my work computer, DSP would not approve (or looking up at all!)

Peter O'Sullivan:
Very successful weekend. The four of us got a medal position in every event we entered. Simon won the boater-X, I came 3rd. Aoife won ladies sport. Mark came 2nd ( I think ) in mens sport and won a shinny new helmet. I won the inflatable class. Simon came first in mens intermediate as well.

The red van made it over and back across the country incident free. The beach party was good craic too.

We tried to paddle Aasleigh falls when it was at 1.269m on the gauge. Looked a lovely level but inland fisheries asked us to leave. I'll do a longer post on this later.

FYI for future planning fuel and tolls return to Clifden for the red citroen dispatch van worked out at 107.6 euro return.

Nice one! sounds like a good weekend overall guys  :D


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