General > Kayaking

Liffey descent rescue

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I've been contacted to get paddlers for Wrens nest for rescue. Rescue is a great way to tighten up those skills for the coming year. We will be mostly boat based and pushing boats to river left. Last year we needed an extra 3 or four boats as Andrew Lynham would tell you.

So if you want to get your boat barge on join me on Wrens

Number 4:
Let's be fair, I'm pretty shit in terms of rescue, but I have no problem with helping out at Annaliffey instead - we did it last weekend for the Lower Liffey and it was grand! If we got a crew together to do Annaliffey, do you think they would have some more competent/confident rescue to give you for Wren's?

Wrens is easier than Annaliffey everything ends up on river left

Number 4:
Annaliffey was easier than Wren's because no-one fell out  ;D

I'm down to help if I can be any use :)


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