Committee Announcements > River Trips

Week 2: Long Distance

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would like to do it but where is the canal and how can I get there?

Cathal Gillen:
Mise please

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Number 4:

--- Quote from: Number 4 on January 31, 2018, 11:49:35 ---Holla @ all you fine folks. This Saturday we're high-tailing it over to our local canal to get some practice in for long distance at Intervarsities. If you've put your name down, please try come, as the boats take a bit of getting used to! We've organised a bus to bring us, so space shouldn't be an issue. Sign up below:

1. Ailbhe 4
2. Ailbhe C
3. Mark
4. Jonny
5. Rebecca
6. Van Lang
7. Gilles
8. Cathal G
9. Greg

--- End quote ---

Yeah stick my name down

i amn't going to keep paddling:


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