Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes 18/19  (Read 19284 times)

Offline Jack Van Lang

  • Fresher of the Year 2018 Secretary 18/19 Predator of the Year 2019 Captain 19/20
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Committee Meeting Minutes 18/19
« on: April 19, 2018, 15:21:02 »
Wednesday 18th April – Handover Committee meeting
John Finn
John Enright
Ailbhe 4
Ailbhe C

•   Rebecca Conor and Cian all missing keys. Get two spare (Johnathan)
•   Update: Conor is no longer missing a key.

•   We have 5,000 atm in account; we need to spend 2,000 before grant.
•   Spend on spray decks and booking trips before grant comes in.
•   Don’t go all out on amazing gear, will prevent people from actually buying their own gear and giving up after college.
•   Make sure to post in the forum, hard to track down stuff in groupchats. Link forum in chat rather than posting in the chat.
•   If lodging stuff can go to Montorose bank cash and cheques, if need new check book etc, need to go to the ‘student store’ need to check opening hours, they only provide scertain services on certain days.
Changing Passwords
•   New password has been added to the account.

Sunday Trip
•   Mass email is done through sisweb, need to sort that out.
•   Level 3 and 2 assessments
•   Need to book the bus,
•   Need to contact Jess
•   Also need to pick Jess up on the way.
•   Half 10 boathouse
•   Bus needs to be ready at Ren’s Nest
•   3-3:30.

Wednesday 25th April


All present

•   Make sure everyone knows how to use the forum (new topic etc).
•   Make sure to familiarize yourself with Constitution.
•   Handle safety statement and forms, gear borrowing forms.
•   Amend constitution to remove OCM.
•   Everyone has keys now.
•   Possibly moving paddlefit to another day of the week, Monday or Tuesday pref.
•   Rec 3 course organized by Cian
•   Sort an RSR 2 trip
•   General email to send out to freshers will be edited by Conor.
•   Cian write out level 2 and 3 syllabi on a sheet and laminate it, make about 12.
•   Rebecca update the committee profiles on the website.
•   Gear talk just before Christmas but before exams, around November, try get discounts.
•   Something usually happened every two weeks or so (talks, movie nights, nights out etc). This year try do something as often as possible just to keep freshers engaged.
•   Jack in charge of Canoe Ireland Membership
•   Justin Cullinane.   

Boathouse cleanup
•   Boathouse cleanup sorted on Saturday 12.
•   Bring a BBQ to BH, there will be food and cans.
•   Len will be there.
•   General cleanup, repairs, stock take, clear out containers.

Membership Cards
•   Vista print currently have a sale on.
•   Actually hand out the membership cards to freshers this year.
•   Card ones. Nice and thicc. 650 Microns
•   Contact details for NML and Sec on card

Welcome Night
•   Conor Presenting on welcome night.
•   Book Doyle’s on Monday or Tuesday of Week 3.

Pool Sessions
•   An option to have a €35 flat once off charge for pool for the year and not have to pay €2
•   Not mandatory, have the option between weekly payments or one charge.
•   Wednesday as polo days. After the first few weeks.

•   Probably end up being a Div 3 team over the summer
•   Can’t have too many Div 2 players on Div 3.
•   Need to get a referee course going for polo so we can Ref matches. 1Hr exam, 75% to pass. Multiple choice.
•   Finn still in charge of polo team.

Booking trips
•   Need to do that asap, use money for grant.
•   Bundoran for freshers (houses), Lahinch for Colours (Not everyone wears different colours #seery)
•   Portbeg was where they stayed before.
•   Week 5 have Freshers trip. 
•   12th-14th October
•   Check committee resource page for info on booking
•   *Johnathan does something condescending*
•   9th – 11th of November for Colours.
•   Kerry have the same dates and location as last time. In Kenmare. Try book two houses near each other. 27th- 2nd.
•   Niamh and Jess were really good.
•   Try get them, tell them dates so we don’t have to book instructors every time.
•   More experienced kayakers lead and teach younger kayakers how to be safe etc.

Sunday 19th May

Shanley and Ross missing

•   Not updated yet, done by next week
•   Get an idea of what needs to be bought

Safety forms
•   Read them
•   Shanley needs to update

Membership cards
•   Conor has sorted them
•   30 euro for 100 cards
•   Should be ordered by next weekend

•   Be booking dates for instructors for the trips 
•   Surf kayaking and river trip in Bundoran
•   Just surf in Lahinch
•   Cian laminate level requirement cards
•   Forum post with skills and links on how to do those skills
•   RSR2, try get a date for that, possibly September (close to the start of term)
•   Grant stuff not until September
•   Committee profiled should be done before next term
•   Tuesday 25th of September freshers night (provisionally)
•   Jack can’t go to Rebecca’s and Johnathan’s 21st and is very sorry *sad react*
•   One XXXL helmet for Conor. The absolute Unit.

Committee meeting – Monday 10th of Sep

Everyone here except Conor, he’s on a playdate.

•   Cancelling 4th house in Portbeg
•   Need to ask Suzanne to change the details on sisweb to access grant forms
•   New wavehopper and fresher of the year boat only things not accounted for
•   Take a month to make the polo nets, if not ready soon use basketball hoop
•   Shanley finishes food and joins the meeting
•   Conor makes Rebecca’s profile thing
•   Need to change up the website so we can actually edit and use it (Shanley)
•   Book lecture hall for fresher’s night
•   If everyone pays €10 for DCPL
•   Pool slots are confirmed for semester 1
•   RSR2 this semester?
•   Shanley printed off comically large safety statements.
•   35 for semester for pool sessions
•   Need to sort out storage.
•   Teaching freshers in pool for first few weeks
•   Need to get onto someone about our stand
•   Event for freshers week
•   Schedule for sports expo
•   Our Instagram need to pop same with FB page
•   Polo goals – need quotes and need to do that by end of the month
•   Start weekend trips next weekend

Foreign Trip
•   Week in Slovenia (easier rivers)
•   Or a weekend in England (semester 2)
•   Should be able to get the van but it won’t be down as a club trip.
•   Cardiff is 10 euro for the whole day, cheap option

Tuesday - 02/10/18
Freshers Trip and Grant

Everyone except Ross

•   Polo in the pool Wed again going forward
•   Vicki Guy able to go to pool, paying
•   Colours, on at same time as capt and safteys, in Limerick so could drive there or reschedule Colours trip
•   Can we do it without Shan and John or not?
•   Seery very confident we can do it without them.
•   40 UCD ones 20 disco paddlers
•   Gauges on Lucan
•   Conor Knows a guy (party bus)
•   Conor’s Dad can bring us for the shopping because he’s unemployed and probably will be free.

Weekend Trip
•   Sunday trip sluice to Lucan with Jess.
•   Try get private Inny trip this weekend

•   Inny kayaking instructor not responded
•   If members do river won’t need instructor
•   Could do surf kayaking again.
•   Could make Inny a private trip
•   Dietary requirements
•   Spagball – “you’ve never had my balls” – Conor
•   Princess Fancy dress
•   Rebecca to ask about free entry

•   T shirts – good to go except website
•   Need people to pay first
•   Committee t shirt Maroon and rest of Navy
•   €10 for t-shirts
•   Freshers event on FB
•   Post about REC 3 and river trip
•   Tag BOI in it
•   Simon and Ross talks promo, wont be for a while but they book up fast
•   Banter League

•   Do emails for next week river trip
•   5lamps sponsor – Could store in bh
•   Get them for freshers and then maybe try again for ball
•   Still does not have a key

•   Ask for medical conditions each week and make sure (on river trips)
•   Roll call
•   Check safety equipment
•   Could get vetted as a committee
•   As instructor we just go with Jess on paper, pay as we need.
•   “It’s technically money laundering but no one is losing out so..” – John Finn
•   Make sure safety equip is on correctly
•   Can’t get glucose tablets
•   Need to slide into Emer’s dms
•   Count em
•   First aids

•   Senior treasurer stuff done
•   Mandate done
•   Need to go to bank

•   Give Conor a key
•   Playboats have not all been counted in the pool
•   Only gear in bh has been counted
•   Garda vetting – Suzanne handling that
•   Safeguarding cert uploaded to sisweb
•   Sign the risk assessment
•   Paddles
•   Decks
•   Test some Bas
•   List of all equipment we bought last year and how much it cost.
•   All equip you want this year and how much it costs plus 3 quotes for each piece of a equip you’re buying this year

Monday 5th November (Pre-Colours)

All except Ross
Jack left midway through v dramatically

•   Thursday, we need to go to Musgraves to get food
•   Chicken Curry
•   Without Shanley and John, be safety conscious
•   Ross Gear talk sometime this month probably 2 weeks time.
•   Kerry post put up soon after Colours
•   Varsities – how we getting around, bus for the weekend? Lynam?
•   Polo exam on the 27th
•   Kris krindle – sort at least two weeks in advance
•   Conor has a date, had to cancel because he didn’t want to give her ‘Glandular fever’
•   Jack struggling with women right now – Conor Seery
•   Drinking vessel for Colours
•   Club hootch

•   Buses have been booked
•   Bring Spinny thing to colours

•   Booking instructors
•   Ask Jayne
•   Simon and Mark not there
•   Might need surf instructors
•   I got a call from Alexi and surf instructor will cost €50 for around 2 hours

•   Assessments around 24th Nov?

•   Make game for spinny thing
•   Kangaroo court
•   T-shirts
•   Book ross gear talk room in boi, email . Do it sooner rather than later and sort date for the talk.
•   Christmas week 12 (30th Nov or 1st of Dec)
•   Ring Icanoe to see if 23rd suits them?

Colours - Captains and Safety
•   John and Shanley should be in Lahinch on Friday same time as rest of us
•   Gone Sat morning back Sat afternoon (2-4)
•   Around for Sat evening and leaving on Sunday morning.

•   We’re going to Lahinch
•   Try sort lift for Musgraves
•   Sort your emails out m8
•   Remind Johnathan to get key
•   “Gonna absolutely ride that Kerry this year”; committee unsure if he meant the location or someone called Kerry. Conor also unsure what he meant

•   Littaly need to pay accommodation

•   Sort the trailer, let Andy know about the jockey wheel has slipped
•   Give conor his key on Wednesday

Semester 2 Meeting – Jan 22nd, 2019

Rebecca not here
Cian 8 minutes late (deplorable)

•   Looking incredibly expensive
•   Might rent CI bus, otherwise V expensive
•   Cheap if you can get a minibus to do the whole thing, but we would need to accommodate a driver for the whole weekend.
•   Conor wants to throw in a cheeky idea – Campervan.
•   Even hiring a bus in Wales is over €1,000
•   In terms of boats, can rent them there for a good price.
•   Could ask intervarsities committee to give us the dollas.
•   Cardiff and Ball will clash with placements

•   2nd LD day based on how first goes
•   Polo goal into pool weds
•   Should be finished today so need to bring it to the pool. About 4 people to carry it to back entrance of the pool for inspection.
•   2nd LD day based on how first goes
•   Wednesday hour for polo training 30 mins chill. Small section for others. Thursday, give main space for freestyle
•   Slalom maybe later in the year see how it goes
•   30 for pool sessions
•   Pick teams for IV after 2nd
•   Call out Videos
•   Niamh Cleary coming in before varsities not definite on when, Irish freestyle later in the year.
•   Attendance – Make more effort to turn up to everything

Calendar *clap* Review *clap
•   Conor does not know how to sync his calendar, turns out he doesn’t have google calendar installed
•   Reminders on the synced calendar for DCPL
•   Wed 30th is refreshers day
•   Need to promote syncing the calendar to members, easy way to see what’s going on.

•   Varsities payment - sunday
•   Grant follow up - all signed
•   €80 for Intervarsities, there are some people who are not paying full price since they’re not coming for the whole thing.

•   Safety Day.
•   Throw rope training in pool again
•   Pay for Kerry, idiot.

•   More structured training in pool.
•   Go through it
•   15 mins messing
•   45 training
•   30 mins chill

•   Organise movie night
•   Mckevvits talk tues weds thurs
•   Post pinned to top of official fb page with Luke’s yearly review, Varsities vid, Clean Kerry one Tramore, Clifden etc.
•   About section on the Canoe club page could be more succinct.
•   Awards night could go somewhere different although we have only been to Doyle’s twice.

•   Equipment ordered when grant available
•   Confirm with the Rash vest people when they will be arriving
•   Throw rope holder.
•   Table built at back wall
•   In charge of making sure BH is tidy, can tell people to clean their stuff up
•   Jack’s Keys

•   30 pool deal promotion
•   Refreshers stand
•   Cards
•   Email!
•   Get onto freshers I mentioned.

•   Contact with CPCC to help transport our boats.
•   I love you
•   Keys

Tuesday 5th February – Pre Intervarsities Meeting.

All here except Conor and Ross.
Conor conferenced in via Emma’s phone (no speakerphone needed)

•   Polo is everyone who is available except Conor (Whomst can’t go)
•   Mariosa eclipses Rebecca in every way possible so she is on freestyle.
•   Possible trip to Castle Connel to practice.
•   Manages to gain intel from UL. “Cheeky bastard” – Conor (on the phone)
•   We have the Box Truck available to bring stuff down.
•   Might need a Van to get the 3rd Canadian
•   Try get people to come down on Thursday

•   Call out video w/Luke
•   Fancy dress is caveman
•   Shanley bring the Clamp
•   For the ball – Kangaroo Court
•   Pins for Ball?

•   Talk about grand canyon and then night out after. We only have 1 hour in BOI and pizza

•   Bring clamp


•   In charge of banter league
•   Interest for rsr 2


•   Boat pack next thurs morning


•   Night out - Tuesday after Varsities
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 15:40:23 by Jack L »

Offline Poopy Dick

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Re: Committee Meeting Minutes 18/19
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 15:55:06 »
•   Bus needs to be ready at Ren’s Nest
*Wren's  ;)

Offline Jack Van Lang

  • Fresher of the Year 2018 Secretary 18/19 Predator of the Year 2019 Captain 19/20
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Re: Committee Meeting Minutes 18/19
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 18:42:37 »
•   Bus needs to be ready at Ren’s Nest
*Wren's  ;)

I currected ih