The Acclimatize project is an EU funded initiative investigating the effect of pollutants on bathing water quality in Ireland and Wales. It aims to identify and quantify the biological and geographical sources of faecal contamination in Dublin Bay. At present, we are focusing our attention on at-risk bathing waters in Dublin Bay area: Sandymount and Merrion strand. (
Our fieldwork includes extensive sampling in the large intertidal area of Sandymount and Merrion strands. This area is very shallow at high tide preventing the use of boats, and too vast an area to walk. Therefore, we use a canoe to carry out this sampling in the intertidal area. There we collect water samples (1-2 litres of water) at 30-minute intervals over a 12-hour period and analyse them for various faecal pollutants.
What is involved?We are looking for experienced kayakers and canoers to carry out this sampling. This will involve following the tide out in a canoe and entering the sea every 30 minutes to collect the water samples. You will also need to take various physiochemical and GPS measurements. Training and sampling equipment will be provided and Acclimatize team members will be present during sampling.
The study takes place over a tidal cycle (12 hours) so there will be shifts of 6 and 12 hours available. We are also looking for experienced Kayakers/ Canoers to carry out sampling over a shorter time period. There are shifts of 3 hours available for this.
You will need to bring your own BA, rain jacket and rain pants.
Where? Studies will take place on Sandymount Strand and Merrion Strand.
When?This sampling is carried out during the bathing period from May to September.
Dates are as follows for 12 hour transects:
May- Tuesday 28th. June- Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 28th. July- Thursday 11th, Friday 26th. August- Friday 9th, Monday 26th, September- Monday 9th.
Potential dates for the 3 hour transects are (if the weather is dry):
May- Monday 20th, June- Tuesday 18th. July- Wednesday 3rd, Tuesday 16th. August- Thursday 15th, Friday 30th. September- Friday 13th.
Pay?The rate of pay is €10.55 per hour.
How do I apply?Contact Jayne Stephens 0838870036 ASAP as spaces will fill up.

If you would like more info on the work, you can chat to John Finn and Jack as they worked for us last year and can give you an idea of what is involved.