Committee Announcements > Announcements

Sports Office Key


Jack Van Lang:
The sports office key was introduced last year to allow members with private gear to have access to the boathouse. This is both beneficial to the members who have private gear as they can get the key whenever they want (provided it’s within the opening hours of the office) and committee members how don’t have to open the boathouse each time.

This policy relies on a certain level of trust between the committee and members with private gear. Committee are responsible for the security of the equipment in the boathouse. Security is impossible if there are keys unaccounted for that can access this equipment. Recently non-committee members made duplicates of the sports office key which led to the replacement of the boathouse lock. With the new key now in the sports office the committee want to clarify the rules regarding it.

No duplicates of the sports office key are to be made:
The person(s) responsible for making a copy of the new sports office key, or any current boathouse key, will have their private gear removed from the boathouse immediately. The key will then be removed from the sports office and members will have to rely on committee being available whenever they want to get their gear.


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