Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes 20/21  (Read 18325 times)

Offline Unit Bill

  • Committee 20/21
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  • Posts: 78
Committee Meeting Minutes 20/21
« on: May 01, 2020, 12:02:49 »
Handover Meeting Minutes 07/04/20

Everyone is in attendance.

Signatories have been signed over as follows:
•   Jack Van Lang to Meabh Lynch (Captain)
•   Aoife Walsh to Sadhbh Ní Ghráda (Treasurer)
•   Ailbhe Cunningham to Ailbhe Cunningham (Senior Treasurer)

Newly elected positions
   Captain                    Meabh Lynch
   Safety Officer           Cathal Gillen
   Secretary                 Bill FitzGerald
   Treasurer                 Sadhbh Ní Ghráda
   Training Officer         Conor Healy
   Equipment Officer     Matthew Duffy
   PRO                          Izzy NicCraith
   NML                         Aoife Begley

Familiarize oneself with the Constitution
Get used to forum, lot of useful information, access to previous committee stuff + committee roles
Sync Calendars With Club Calendar for events info+dates
Constitution is the Law but double check with AUC if unsure
Pushing the 20*20 :
•   Women Only Trip + corresponding Footage
•   50% Female representation on stand (stand with footage to catch people’s eyes)
•   This means we can get publicity from Canoeing Ireland

Jacks Suggestions:
•   2* Dún LaoghaireTrips with fun instructors for confidence before Liffey (easy to get instructors)
•   Good communication = CRUCIAL
•   Give feedback / constructive criticism as much as possible to aid positive and creative idea formation
•   Remember there can be a lot of background work going on so be aware that everyone is pulling their own weight

Blathnaid’s Suggestions:
•   Need to submit proof of election.
•   Sign over of bank details will take time and can’t be done in current conditions

Aoife’s Suggestions:
•   Don’t give a price for anything unless it is run by the treasurer
•   Committee need to set the example for paying for trips in time
•   Bank of Ireland Poster is currently in pool area
•   Take a minute at the start of each meeting where updates on accounts and grants are distributed
•   Check sign in sheet for paying for pool
•   Everyone has their own commitment to the grant process. Make sure everything that is assigned to you is done on time. Certain external processes take time such as child protection statement needs external vetting.
•   Get everything in writing from Suzanne as in email correspondence and be aware of her office hours for accessibility. Use official club email.
•   Get a grant meeting in over the Summer

Jonathon’s Suggestions:
•   Get courses organized early with training and development subsidy form
•   Canoeing Ireland membership cards show paddler qualifications but not allowed to have an official database of this due to GDPR.

Mariosa’s Suggestions:
•   Update Key List
•   Leave all emails marked unread
•   For Freshers take Name, Student Number, Phone Number, Emergency Contact as quicker than sisweb

Conor’s Suggestions:
•   Appease the pool, pool relations are super important. Treat the pool as you would like to be treated yourself. Keep equipment room clean. Don’t go to the jacuzzi at the start of the year. Be safety conscious for freshers, expect other older club members to step up.

Ailbhe’s Suggestions:
•   Get Calendar nailed down ASAP
•   Keep everyone in the loop all the time

Safety Officer
Rescue section on Forum is where all incidents are recorded


Need the nomination form (excel sheet) and signatories at the end of the minutes for the handover meeting for Suzanne so the names on the accounts are changed officially and properly.
Varsities = February 5th , once available list of accommodation (next two weeks) is sent out do it, book it
Get booking accommodation for Kerry ASAP

Training Officer

Dún Laoghaire trip. Need trailer with paddlers taking Dublin bus there.
Level 3 assessment at the start of next semester.
Polo training day in Kilcock
Trip to Galway  with help of NUIG in advance of Galway Fest (Need Level 3 to attend)
Book gym ASAP roughly middle of August but stay on top of them

Equipment Officer
ERGs incoming!
2 PFDs to come from Great Outdoors
Gear log is needed for grant
New knives in back locker
New wetsuits
Get trailer serviced
All red PFDs are to be replaced but can’t get rid of them until new ones arrive.
Need new airbags

« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 12:06:00 by Unit Bill »