Heya just seeing if anyone would be interested in an alps trip this summer. I really wanna go so I am seeing if anyone else would like to join

*Heya so I've spoken to cap and safety and we've agreed we are putting in place two rules for this trip, 1. You must have minimum level 3 kayak skills qualification and 2. No club gear can go on this trip, you will need to bring private gear be it yours or borrowed from someone with private gear.*
Exams finish 14th of May (so we would likely go for dates after the 14th of May and if anyone planning on travelling this summer [which I know a few of yee are we can plan on being back before June starts or the 1st of June?) But if being back in mid-June suits the majority of peeps we can do that. Im easy and I'm terrible at phrasing things so sorry if this made no sense hehe
1. Mariosa
2. Conor Knowles
3. Sadhbh
4. Jonathon O B
5. Ewan
6. Micheal
7. Bill
8. Daniel
9. Lorcan
10. Naddy
11. Jayne
12. Jacqui
13. Ailbhe C
14. Meabh Lynch
15. John Finn