No damage, sweet, now thats good plastic, with the best memory in the world!
Or maybe somebody swipped the plastic off Seans boat and fixed the 2 foot long 6 inch wide hole in the hull of the inazone!
Look towards the front dude. You should probably still be able to find pieces of the offenders toe in there somewhere I recon :lol:
We wanted to make a go-cart out of it for freshers week when I was captain and do some urban kayaking round UCD, down stairs, through puddles, off drops, through lecture theatres, get towed by a car over the speed bumps and the like. Man things were so good in those days sigh
It would make an equally good sleigh for winter time or nice flower pot in your ma's garden
Or you could give it to an unsuspecting fresher and sink his monkey ass!
I think we may even have used to cut pieces off to fix other boats, we were so intuitive in those days, man those days were good :cry: sigh