Author Topic: Varsities  (Read 31447 times)

Offline bambi

  • Posts: 105
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2005, 13:08:46 »
There is going to be a pool session this week and our buddy Alberte is back from sunny Spain to teach us the rules of polo. :lol:  He has also promised us a defense strategy that will be unbeatable (provided we manage to learn it properly :wink: )

Offline kill

  • Posts: 922
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2005, 14:05:28 »
Down for the whitewater and the long distance please. God knows it's a terrible thing to be able to stay in bed after a heavy nights drinking. Far more fun to get up two hours after you left a rampaging party so that you can get lost looking for the Flesk and passing through Cork University twice along the way...

Offline roz

  • Posts: 525
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2005, 15:20:57 »
i'll do the whitewater

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa hhaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha

Offline Fuzzy

  • Posts: 359
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2005, 15:42:10 »
I'll do whatever really, just sign me on where you have a gap. What exactly is involved in whitewater.

Offline Cheesy

  • Posts: 96
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2005, 15:50:39 »
hey i'd love to do polo!
and maybe try rodeo! just put me in a small boat and i'll throw it around and try everything not to swim!!!!!!
and oh yeah if there are people who will actually do good give them a spot!  but i do feel a mystry move in the making........ like the cheese grater!! or the dave muncher!!!

fresher Dave

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« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2005, 16:40:09 »

Offline Emmet

  • Posts: 91
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2005, 16:42:28 »
hey caoimhe! i'd love to to the rodeo if you'll take me! I've played a couple of leagues of polo(oh the shame :oops: ) so i'd be up for that as well...let me know and i might be able to borrow a light polo boat.

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2005, 16:51:16 »
ok for those who dont know what each event involves here's the handy EoghanP super guide to each (feel free to add to it as you feel)

POLO:5 paddles on the water from each team ,always has to be at least one member of each sex on the water at all times (think at least one girl all the time). pitch is about 25 metres long with a square net hung over each end. throw ball into net, score goal. more goals= winner!! you can push people in if they have the ball (so the ability to hand roll is useful but not essential). special boats and paddles must be used when playing (to minimise injuries) and especially for this year not even the spectators are supposed to be drunk (refer to the canoe club story book for more details, but i think that rule is just plain mean, we'll never get a team together now)

RODEO"The art of getting thrashed with style". (see proboater dave, also basically small boat big wave or hole, lots of tricks with lots of crazy names. trick with coolest name wins (normally the event we disgrace ourselves at the least). think there is a maximum of 5 entrants, again at least one girl

LONG DISTANCE3 categories, glass (fiberglass), General purpose (plastic) and Canadians. paddle on flat water as fast as possible (hangover permitting) for either 3.5km or 7km (glass is 7km the others 3.5km), very easy, very boring, very hungover (its normally the last event on sunday). very good for those who want to take part but dont think they can do any other events. no limit on the number of entrants.

WHITEWATER normally on the saturday morning. 3 paddles (plus 2 rescue) from each club. normally run on grade 3-ish water (rain can change all that). the last person from the team to cross the line gives them their time. fastest team is the winner.

OVERALL college with the most points wins the intervarsities. points are given for the rank of each enterant in each event (ie if a UCD paddle was 1st, 5th and 9th in rodeo we'd get x number of points)

the end

Offline louise

  • Posts: 80
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2005, 16:51:40 »
Okay Emmet, Seriously Dude!! We get it!!! :lol:

Offline cat halpin

  • Posts: 128
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2005, 16:53:39 »
methinks the varsities will be too close to my hand-up date so wont be able to go this year  :( Not that i really overperformed last year - getting sick on the river after those evil cork boys got me hammered on whishkey :lol:
good luck though, and remember, if ye make all the events, we are still improving on past performance.

Offline Brendino

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« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2005, 17:05:47 »
"X" isn't a number Eoghan.

fresher phil

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« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2005, 10:34:02 »
Sign me up for the long-distance, it sound slightly more do-able than the rest. although if you enter a few polo teams I'd give that a go. I think more vicious dodgeball in the pool tonight would really harness our talents for polo (and also return Buttons red circular tatoo that seems to have faded since the last time!!)

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2005, 10:51:24 »
Quote from: "Brendino"
"X" isn't a nuber Eoghan.

now im no engineer. but isn't it a variable????
it's also a roman numerial.

Offline Emma

  • Posts: 23
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2005, 13:25:19 »
What are the actual dates of the intervarsities?

Offline roz

  • Posts: 525
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2005, 15:10:34 »
i'll i wanna know is what the fancy dress theme????