Author Topic: Emergency General Meeting.  (Read 15069 times)


  • Guest
Emergency General Meeting.
« on: February 18, 2005, 12:02:30 »
In order to get a specail grant of €12,000 we need to hold an egm, there are conditions attached to this grant which will bind the committee and the club for the next five years so it's important that people think it through. We the committee think that this grant will hugely benefit the club and that the pros far outway the cons but it's for you to decide.
The EGM will be held at 7pm Tuesday 22nd of February. We'll be meeting at the board.


  • Guest
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 12:17:29 »
Is it possible for some more info to be posted so people can have a think before the meeting. I generally find that results in a more coherent meeting and less waffle

Offline Fordius Maximus

  • Posts: 5
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2005, 12:17:55 »
An EGM require a specific notice period, to allow the full implication of the proposed change to be thought through by the general membership.  Also, the reason for the EGM, and a full disclosure of the proposed change must be published at the time of calling the EGM.

Just my two-pence worth...

Offline Fuzzy

  • Posts: 359
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2005, 13:43:53 »
Surely this could just be covered at the AGM since its less than a month away.

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
UCD Canoe Club Constitution
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2005, 15:15:48 »
Note to Committee, you constitution requires ten days notice for such meetings...

Artilce 5, Section 3
(a)  The Annual General Meeting shall take place during the Trinity Term.
(b)  The Treasurer shall present the accounts to the Senior Treasurer at least one week prior to the A.G.M.
(c) An Extraordinary General Meeting must be convened by the committee, if the Captain or six members of the club request it in writing.
(d) At least ten days notice shall be given of a General Meeting, by posting a clear notice on the official club notice board.
(e) A quorum at General Meetings shall be 20 voting members.
(f)  Amendments to the constitution can only be made at such meetings, and provided that two thirds of members present and voting are in favour.

Offline GrampaC

  • Posts: 67
The ITC are victorious
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2005, 15:21:04 »
The terms are as follows,

The college has realized the total incompetence of all agm appointed committees, They will give us €12000 if we agree to the instant impeachment of the present and all future committes for a trial period of 5 years, once the committees are instantly impeached a stand in committee headed by Donnie, Fordie, and Jim will take charge to sort out the current mess.
We have won,

Offline Mr C

  • Posts: 546
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2005, 15:42:04 »
You make it sound like all we have to do is turn up in 4 days time and then the club will get €12,000. Hmmmm... but then you mention "issues". Methinks there's something afoot! And as such I suppose you'll have to agree with the constitution - stupid damn thing...whatever sort of leader would let that get in the way eh.... Oh yea...Hitlern't!

Am I comparing hte current committee to Hitler you may ask well....

Why not?!! :P  :P  :P  :P

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
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Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2005, 16:04:03 »

Will try to make it if I can whenever it is on.

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2005, 11:30:57 »
the reason for the EGM is to discuss the future funding for the club. the AUC has decided we need to implement a 5 year plan in order to run the club.

the grant they have issued us with consists of €12,000 spread over the next 5 years however in order for us to get this money we have to commit ourselves to raising a further €12,000 in this period also.

we are attempting to come up with a solution that doesn't mean that the committee in 5 years time are stuck with raising the total €12,000 in 1 year (it wouldn't really be fair since they are probably all still in nappies).

what we are proposing is that an amendment is inserted into the constitution only allowing the committee in each year access to money from the AUC in the amount that they have raised (e.g. if €2000 is raised then they will be allowed a further €2000 from the grant fund). this fund can only be used for capital expenses (e.g. new boats, paddles etc.)

its all a bit complicated. if anyone has any questions post them here and we'll do our very best to answer them.

peace out!

Offline meabh

  • Posts: 192
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Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2005, 15:50:44 »
hey just wanted to clarify a few things, in particular for freshers and people who may not have read the constitution, etc:

firstly this is a special grant, the club already gets a grant each year to run the club trips etc. we applied for a special grant so as to update all the gear in the particular paddles, buoyancy aids, the general plan is that in 5 years time the oldest kit in the boathouse that would have to be used would be 5 yrs old.

the AUC got back to us and said they were willing to fund 12,000 if we were willing to fundraise the other 12,000.

The reason for calling an egm is because this will obviously affect the club for the next 5 yrs.

The idea is that no committee would be able to get the full 12,000 grant from the AUC and leave all the fundraising to some poor future committee who are currently in school.

We felt that linking the amount each committee got to the amount of fundraising they did each year would hopefully prevent this, ie. this year having fundraised 1,800 the AUC would match this and put up another 1,800.....the main thing with this idea is that in effect the fundraising that this years committee does would be spent by next years committee, hence again the need for an egm.

so there ya go, obviously there may be things that we have forgotten to explain, we've been talking about this for a while so may hae forgotten to include some of the basic random things, ask away.

Guess we'll get back to you about the date.


Offline Donnie

  • Posts: 66
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2005, 11:28:26 »
How can the ITC add an impeachment motion to the AGM? This committee has been in power long enough! An abysmal seventh place in the Intervarsities and apparently even Trinity were drinking more. This can't go on. This committee shouldn't be left in a charge a semester longer!

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2005, 11:37:08 »
Quote from: "Donnie"
This committee shouldn't be left in a charge a semester longer!

i concur. the AGM is on march the 12th. IMPEACH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
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Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2005, 12:11:26 »
AGM on the 12th eh? That doesn't leave us much time for our Campaign Big Tom!

When will the nominations page be put up?

Vote Big Tom No. 1.

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2005, 12:55:48 »
nominations will begin 2 weeks before (so that people dont get all nominated out,)

Offline Amanda

  • Posts: 607
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Emergency General Meeting.
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2005, 15:34:03 »
eoghan a good job on surving this long

the first thing i remember u saying to me(and a room of others) on freshers weekend was
