Boats and Gear > Lost and Found
Here we go...
Man, what a great weekend!
Been back at the office for over an hour, and haven't been able to do a tap of work yet.... :wink:
So, in Easkey, I, or someone else playing it, lost my guitar capo. For those of you who don't know what a guitar capo is, it looks like a nipple clamp. For those of you who don't know what a nipple clamp is, would you like to go camping again soon?
Anyhow, it's one of those jobbies you put on the neck of the guitar to change to sound. It's like a big silver clothes peg, and of no sentimental value.
Hi Cormac
I don't have your capo, but I seem to remember Stephen Nolan swiping it off your guitar to use on his at some stage on Sunday night/Monday morning in the castle.
So check up on him:)
Thanks a million Una.
I notice you took the dignified silence approach on the whole nipple clamp issue.
Probably best.
El Diablo:
God knows where it is now, but check his and Roz's pants and shirts for unusual lumps first. :x There is also an off chance that it is in guitar case.
You should know by now Cormac, a lady doesn't discuss these matters:P
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