Author Topic: Easky  (Read 9638 times)

cc the yank

  • Guest
« on: May 04, 2005, 18:14:10 »
what is going on with the trip to easky this year?  is there any info on who is going or how to get there for the freshers?  we a little slow...gracias! :shock:

Offline El Diablo

  • Posts: 115
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 18:37:03 »
Easkey like Kerry isn't really a place but more a state of mind.  You can get lifts, buses to ballisdare and hitch/call for a lift.  

You need camping gear or a cracker of a chat up line to get a bed.  You also need warm clothes and booze, just like every other trip really.

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2005, 18:51:11 »
hey colin! hope you and megan can both make it!!! (pity mary'll be gone home!)
Easkey runs over the june bank holiday weekend this year thats friday the 3rd to monday the 6th. There'll probably be loadsa lifts available closer to the time.. keep an eye on the board for people offering, or go up to any drivers now and bags a space!
its camping and can be kinda cold (it is ireland) so bring warm clothes and since your a boy try and sort out a space in a tent in advance (not nearly as easy for boys to score to snore!) oh and ya need a sleeping bag! handy to bring a ground mat and head torch and any camping cooking apparatus you might have! if you have none of the above ya can probably borrow...
or you could follow hidden option number b... which is to bring enough drink you don't notice..
the cold...
lack of tent...
lack of hot food...
this will be especially helped along if you buy your drink supply for the entire weekend in carrick-on-shannon and drink it all on the first night!! (not that i'd know abou that!)
easky is a brillinat weekend!!!! once you get yourself there the other camping related gear doesn't seem that important! (just ask my car from last year!!)
oh just can't wait for these stupid exams to be over!!!!! roll on Easky!!!

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2005, 20:58:09 »
did easky get lost? i knew we couldn't trust those lousy sligo-eans to hold onto it. probably sold it for a hand full of magic beans!!!!!!