Author Topic: returning of gear form the alps  (Read 12074 times)

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
returning of gear form the alps
« on: June 25, 2003, 19:46:51 »
Kieran is goin to be at the boathouse on Saturday the 28th to give back the deposits and take back any gear that was brought to the alps. he will be there from 12pm-2pm. If you can't make that you will have to sort something with someone else other than me or Kieran because both of use wll be home for the rest of the summer bar the odd weekend, so this is your best oppertunity to return it.

Offline Dan

  • Posts: 112
returning of gear form the alps
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2003, 19:11:54 »
Hey Guys, If people can't meet tom or kieran, i can open the boathouse....
Call me on 086 8647490 and we can arrange a time.


Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
returning of gear form the alps
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2003, 15:45:01 »
how about the 1st of never? im keepin the vertigo and the set of paddles i have here in sunny france until at leqst then weather i get a job or not. but can i have my deposit back cos i might need it to buy 10 cases of beer