Author Topic: ALL MY GEAR! REALLY URGENT...  (Read 10594 times)

Offline Monkey Loving Bob

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« on: November 24, 2005, 19:22:10 »
Hey all,

I left my gear in the boathouse the sunday before last and it's not exactly what you would call there anymore, I really do need this back pretty urgently if anyone has seen a navy Standard Life sports bag, possibly with a red wildwater helmet clipped to the handles please let me, any sightings whatsoever will be greatly appreciated as I can start tracking it down. This is pretty urgent as I'll need this for the boater X this weekend!


-Orange Asco Drysuit

-Quaser Deck

-Palm River Extreme Bouyancy Aid (Two slings blue and white with mulit coloured flecks)

-Robson Cowtail and Paddle Krab (Red)

-Tiki Booties

-Black Five Fleece Top

-Blue Awol thermal Leggings

-Blue Shorts

-Yellow and Blue Swarm Rash Vest

-White Towel

-Possibly a few other odds and ends knocking about in there as well

A lot of this stuff will have my name and number on it so if anyone has it knockin around in the back of there car (it might have gone too lahinch by mistake?)  could they please let me know as soon as they can, that'd be great! Also if anyone on the Level Four Proficiency training has any recollection of it could they please let me know, contact me any time day or night.

Thanks a million,

