some of these might be a wee bit pedantic, I hope not, but anyways, these are my recommendations (warning: long post):
1. Change the 'Valid From' date on the cover page (I'm sure someone will, but just in case it slips through the cracks)
2. Use subsection numbers or letters or roman numerals, not just bullet points - it's a small matter but it's easier for reference (as in Article 3, 5.1, 5.3, etc).
3. There's a full stop missing after the second sentence of 4.1.
4. The old wording of 'The captaincy can only ever be held once...' (4.1) was better than the new wording of 'Any member can hold the captaincy once...'. The new wording contradicts the rest of 4.1, since not ANY member can hold the captaincy - only non ex-captains, those with previous committee experience, etc.
5. In 4.2 (Office of Secretary), the meetings are either 'regular' or 'on the request of any committee member', but specially requested meetings are, by definition, not regular.
6. Missing full stop at the end of 4.2 (I'll stop proofreading now, but maybe someone should give it a once-over before the EGM)
7. Could somebody elaborate what exactly the role of Child Officer is? I'm just curious...
8. Just wanted to confirm the intended use of 'biannual' in 4.9: Biannual means twice a year. Biennial means every two years. Is it to be every 6 months or every two years? (I remember huge confusion on these words from my Model UN days... ah, so much fun)
9. Is attendance at committee meetings compulsory or optional for the senior treasurer? This is a bit unclear.
10. (6.4) What does 'for another position' mean? Does it mean, for example, that a member on the floor can nominate a Treasury nominee for Safety & Training instead?