Committee Announcements > River Trips

Were to, wicklow or the boyne??

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With Daddy Brendino on this one, no water in wicklow. Boyne would be better for everyone. Especially your rescue. On another note those wishing to go to the boatercross party I will give lifts to people based on first come first served, looks and of course any strange talent you might have. Lifts back is another thing I will be hiking on sunday so you may need to beg borrow and steal to get back.

I'm makong a call nice and late on this, It's the boyne baby!!!!!

Not enough water for wicklow... ???
And now it's too late for you all to post up bollocks to try and change my mind Ha ha ha ha.

Monkey Loving Bob:
See you in Wicklow  ::)


Irregardless of where we are going, although I hear...

--- Quote from: Our Captain --- It's the boyne baby!!!!!

--- End quote ---'s gonna be cold, so either:

a) bring lots of thermals/fleeces/wetsuits for yourself (no cotton, none, not even bras*)


b) don't come crying to me when you're all cold an stuff.

We're serious about this - people who we deem don't have enough or the right gear with them will not be allowed on the river.

Cormac (Normally a nice guy).

*This is an equal opportunities post and the above comment applies to both genders

Andy from Canada is in for sure!


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