I'm trying to square away the club's accounts for the end of the semester and there's a handful of people who owe the club money. I've just PMed you all, except one or two whose usernames I couldn't find.
The important thing is: I need these debts settled in or before Kerry, so if you owe the club money, be sure to bring it down with you or I'll deduct it from the cost of the week and make sure you go without food / beds / the gentle touch of another human being... somehow... unless you're in a private house, then there's not much I can do except badger you about it. But you all know how annoying I can get about club money, so let's try to avoid that.

In other news, there's a couple of people who are owed money by the club, mainly instructors. I'm just totting that up now and I hope to have that money for you in Kerry (or before, if I see you).
Anyways, if you owe the club money, cough up. now. seriously.