Committee Announcements > Announcements


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hang on. did i get re-set again slighty. i put up 27 posts on thursday now it says 22. i think there is something underhanded going on.

Hang on Dan! What, have you now become the thought police?  Are you now our random arbitrator of good and bad postings?  Do we need to check with you before we can put something up?  Well how do you like that folks, there goes the last shred of free thought on the internet - why don't you head off and join microsoft or something...

And I'd just like to point out that all of my postings have been of a high quality, informative, intelligent, and impeccably spelled.

Apart frm thees one, which is uttr shite....

No, I'd say it's up to your usual standard...


Away with ya and get a haircut for your Avatar!

Ooops, Sorry Dan..... :shock:


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