Author Topic: What do you do if...  (Read 9765 times)

Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
What do you do if...
« on: June 28, 2007, 09:42:06 »
You're in Uganda with someone who wants to go paddling every day with you, but wil not follow instruction on the water, and I quote "I will not take orders from you when we're kayaking"



Offline kmck

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Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2007, 11:04:44 »
Stick with nail in it.
However away from the river, with a few of your paddling friends make it clear that you will not bring them out anymore if they won't take instruction. The others will back up what your saying, also you won't have to shout over water noise or anything else to get the message through. When you talk to them make sure your sober/ they are sober, it is a quiet place no distraction and you have a clear message to give.

Try to make things sound like suggestions rather than orders. Instead of "paddle right then through to that stopper", go for, "I'm going to paddle right then through that stopper and into that eddie, what do you think?". I don't know if that will help or not cause we all shout instructions when the adrenilian flows.

Offline GrampaC

  • Posts: 67
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2007, 13:19:35 »

It really depends on what sort of instructions they won't follow.

Eg 1: Bex: You have to paddle hypoxia  i'm not letting you walk it!!!!

Other: Get Bent.

Or Eg 2: Bex: I really think you should avoid the stopper of doom with the siphon of death behind it.

Other: Get bent.

If its the first case I think you need to be less hard on them.

If its the 2nd, i'd politely tell them that they either cop on or you, and probably everybody else, won't paddle with them ever again as they are a total liability.

Offline Sick Boy

  • Posts: 1,536
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2007, 13:53:33 »
sounds like you are getting on like a house on fire.

tell enda i said hay

and there is still no sign of your lid, sorry dude. ill make a trip to the post office one of these days to ask em about it.

it might be an idea to say that you just want to spend the day practicing your flat water stuff, cartwheels and the like. it might seem like a waste of a day on the Nile but maybe he will learn a thing or two about basic paddling, even if he still wont listen on moving water he might at least be that bit more solid. all of this is based on the supposition that he will not go boating without you.

an alternative would be to get him so drunk one night that he just isn't physically capable of moving the next day.

Offline Simon R.

  • Posts: 876
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 22:14:41 »
use this "here buddy....FUCK OFF! "

Offline Ciarán

  • Posts: 207
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2007, 23:30:28 »
use this "here buddy....FUCK OFF! "

Fuck off down that massive meaty stopper and dont come back!

But seriously just dont paddle with him if he is a liability.
I have a feeling that enda is going to end up in a nasty situation before he cops on to the fact that the nile is just a smigin more dangerous than he realises!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 23:35:33 by Ciarán »

Offline Jim

  • Posts: 392
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2007, 09:36:46 »
Wow Bex, nasty situation.

1. Everybody in the group is responsible for everybody in the group; what happens to them is your responsibility.

2. If you're not happy with someone in the group and they won't play ball after you spell it out, don't paddle with them again; because even if you make it clear you're not happy with their contribution, Rule 1 still applies.


Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 17:21:13 »
It's tough.
yeah GrampaC, obviously it s the second option.

I tried a few days on flatwater, cartwheeling, backdeck rolling etc, it's never a waste of time, but I am eager to get out on to the river.

problem is enda wont come out on flatwater. so today, first day at nre we went out to backwave - just at the campsite. there's lots of little tiny waves and holes and stuff to play around in just besie the wave, but nothing was sticky enought to surf. so enda went off to try surf some where that i thought lookd far too rocky, and i had told him that we dont surf that cos it's too rocky. he didnt listen. he got a wee fright.

but im so worried that we get to total gunga -  a river wide rapid with the famous hole of doom, g-spot - and that he's gonna padldle straight into it cos it's looks cool on the vidjo in the bar, y'know???


anyway, he had a talking to from some other paddlers here, but he doesnt change...

anyways, see yis all out here soon x x x  x

ps. changed order for helmet cos happy2b not doing custom anymore. think they could have told me??? just charge the visa card and not do anything about an order they cannot fill. anyway.... so upshot is gettign wrsi helmet shipped from states to ciaran. thanks for all your help thought cian! bottle waragi comin home fro ya!

laters dudes,
play safe!

Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2007, 08:34:11 »

enda swam on ribcage. went left over a huge pourover cos he didnt follow directions.

broke his blades.

very luckily uninjured.

Offline Sara

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Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2007, 10:04:45 »
.... and did he learn his lesson? If he didn't i'd stop paddling with him, looks like you'll get yourself in a pretty bad situation if ya don't. How the malaria immunity coming along, you've got to be immune by now? is it lovely and sunny??


Offline Jim

  • Posts: 392
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2007, 10:28:58 »
Stop paddling with this muppet. If something happens to him, it's your fault Bex. Seriouly, tell him to fuck off.


Offline mmmmm

  • Posts: 132
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2007, 13:20:16 »
Is this the same guy that you're trying to source replacement paddles for?? What do you want to do that for if he's such a danger on the water?

Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2007, 11:38:45 »
what happened orignally after he told me that he wouldnt take any instruciton fom rme on the water was that i told him i absolutely wouldnt not paddle him again unles he did.

that was fine.

so i didnt paddle with him again.

he was told by an experienced paddler that he should do day two before day one. he got bored on the hairy lemon because i wouldnt paddle with him. so he left for nre. i follwed him the next morning. he had told people he had kayaked th a zam, when he had rafted it and paddled that lest three rapids only. i put the record straight and told most of the paddlers what the dealio was, what standard he really is and how he wont take anyones advice on the river.

one day i was going paddlin with some brits, he saw us getting changed and he told us he was coming too. before ribcage he was told the line by no less than three paddlers and he was 'following' the line of a kiwi guy.

when he came back to the campsite with his broken blades, he said no one had told him the line.

of course everyone know then that he just hadnt listened because i had predicted this.

i posted re paddles for him purely because he has asked me too. i dont expect any response.

we are in rwanda at hte moment and when we return ina  few days i wil tell him in no uncertain terms that i am not paddling with him becuase he wil not follow directions or advice. he has a very bad name a the campsite, for this, and all the kayakers are aware of the situation. he has been spoken to by a few of the kayakthenile leaders and also by the m,anager of the campsite re his attitude ot the river.

thanks for all your help guys. gotta split, in mad rush
x x x x x

Offline kmck

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Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2007, 11:42:45 »
You did everything you could, nothing more you could do. Sorry he didn't listen. Try the stick with nail in it, use it to punctuate your sentences.

Offline Donnie

  • Posts: 66
Re: What do you do if...
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 00:11:30 »
I'm slightly lost. Who is this Enda muppet and where did he come from?

Its not the first time, I've heard of inexperienced paddlers consistently ignoring the advice of their betters, but they don't generally get past the Annamoe. How do they end up in Uganda?

Seems like the kind of character who might also ignore advice about taking maleria tablets and other related matters as well. The river could be the least of his worries (albeit it all of yours).