Author Topic: ez for sale should i buy it?  (Read 15878 times)


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ez for sale should i buy it?
« on: October 17, 2003, 12:30:11 »
I really like mickles €600 tere's a opost on the board in god, any sujjestions really like to have an ego tough may hold out but people keep trashing them, don't think i'm ready for a new boat just yet

Offline kmck

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ez for sale should i buy it?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 12:42:42 »
See if you can try it out first.
Secondly both paul and mick have had or have a big ez talk to them about the boat

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
ez for sale should i buy it?
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2003, 13:01:05 »
Jim used to have an ez and seemed to like it, although he did get rid of it recently  :)
It's a decent boat. €600 would be a good price if it is good condition. I'd go along what KMcK says and get a demo of it. See if you are too heavy for it, or what sort of abuse it has sustained etc.


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uh oh
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2003, 15:31:23 »
paddled the ego on saterday gotta get me one of those.

Offline Jim

  • Posts: 392
ez for sale should i buy it?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2003, 18:24:20 »
The EZ is a better all-round river-runner. The Ego is better for all that flat-water 'going-around-in-slightly-elevated-vertical-circles' nonsense that passes for kayaking nowadays.

Egos are being thrashed because people are using them for rivers too tough for the boat and swimming out of them. If you stay with the boat, it'll be fine. If you swim, the EZ will fare better than the Ego.

Compare the noses and tail - the EZ is rounded and blunt, the Ego has sharp corners and is thinner at the ends. This is why loads of Egos end up with a bend-up nose or tail.

That said, for the Annamoe and so on, either will be fine. If you start to push it a bit (Glenmacnass and so on) you would be better off with the EZ.

As John says, I used to have an EZ. Me likey. EZ go bye bye. Me sad.


Offline cormac

  • Posts: 326
ez for sale should i buy it?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2003, 09:30:36 »
Egos are being thrashed because people are using them for rivers too tough for the boat and swimming out of them.


that or succumbing to pilot error...


Danny, no one boat will do everything.  A boat that is good at surfing, play and general (up to grade III+) river running will not, by definition, be much good for creeking (Dargle, Glenmacnass, Flesk etc).  And vice versa.  So ya gotta decide what you want to do more of.

Also bear in mind that these days, unlike a puppy, a boat IS only for Christmas and not for life and you will probably sell it on in a while, and so you should think about what you want to do more of for the next year or two.

Mostly though it comes down to the correct boat for you, not someone else.  And pretty colours of course.

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
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ez for sale should i buy it?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2003, 09:57:18 »
I will speak up for my own choice, seeing as I paddle with the club it means I will mostly, though there are exceptions,as such I choose a boat that has a bit of play but mostly a river runner
reason being thats what we do. Though according to Conor White its also good in surf so something to look forward too. As everyone here has said
where do you want to go for next year or two.