Author Topic: Blessington 500 Challange  (Read 10451 times)

Offline couchcoach

  • Posts: 6
Blessington 500 Challange
« on: August 28, 2007, 20:50:22 »
Hi All,
Sandycove Kayak Club ( in association with Spinal Injuries Ireland ( ) are organising the Blessington 500 - a  collective 500 MILE kayak challenge on the 6th October 2007
Some of you may or may not have known Niamh McGrath who tragically passed away in 2005. She introduced kayaking to Spinal Injuries Ireland and this event is a tribute to her, her hard work and the inspiration she continues to give this charity.
The basic concept is to get as many kayakers, both able bodied and persons with spinal cord injuries, on the water that day, to paddle part or all of a 10 mile lap of Blessington lake. The aim is to complete a cumulative mileage of 500 miles or more!
It will be a fun day and we welcome all kayakers – in sea kayaks, polo boats, K-boats, playboats, creek boats and Canadians etc etc. (no sit on tops please!)
We will have a number of distances set out on the lake; these intervals will be 4 miles, 6 miles and 10 miles. Paddlers can choose which distances to paddle and hopefully people will complete at least 10 miles each. Every mile helps so even if you only have one hour to spare it would be appreciated.
The aim of this day is publicise kayaking for all and raise some much needed funds to continue Spinal Injuries Ireland quest to introduce outdoor sports to people with spinal cord injuries.
It would be very helpful for the organisers if people can let us know that they will be there on or before the 1st October. so we have an idea of how many kayakers will be there on the day.
Please see attached form for more details and keep an eye on for updates & entry forms or email for entry forms.
Thanks for you time
Conor Walsh

Offline Sara

  • Posts: 782
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 13:15:09 »
Im Definitely on for this! I can give a lift to 3 others and their boats.

It on a saturday, club trip? would be good to see the club help out with this and we'd make a huge contribution to the 500miles!!

Looking forward to it


Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 16:48:15 »
Good idea Sara. Great practice for the Varsities flatwater race!

Offline Sara

  • Posts: 782
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2007, 11:57:38 »

Offline Kerry

  • Posts: 198
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2007, 12:21:51 »
Hey Sara i'll join you

I can take 2 other passengers :)

Offline Sara

  • Posts: 782
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2007, 14:18:22 »
Cool, I can take two passengers also. Also dont forget sponsorship!! sponsorship cards are available at the web site.


Offline Oscar

  • Posts: 4
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2007, 13:31:46 »
I know some of the guys organising this (haha peter nolan)  and it's totally a good cause and stuff, I'm definatly in for it.

Offline couchcoach

  • Posts: 6
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2007, 20:44:23 »
Hi all
Just a reminder to say this event is on next weekent. Can you mail me at an let me know how many people may be turning up.

Thanks a lot guys.


Offline Sara

  • Posts: 782
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2007, 12:12:53 »
OK so far me have Kerry me and possibly Bex (?) Anyone else interested, I can give lifts from the boathouse.


Offline couchcoach

  • Posts: 6
Re: Blessington 500 Challange
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2007, 20:01:53 »
On Saturday 6th October 2007 Spinal Injuries Ireland in association with Sandycove Kayak Club ran an all day kayak event on Blessington Lakes called the 'Blessington 500'.  The hope was to kayak an accumulation of 500 miles or more on the day.

The aim was twofold:-

1) It was a fundraising kayak challenge where participants obtained sponsorship for each mile they completed.  Participants collected tokens at check points thus proving the miles done. This meant that first timers along with seasoned kayakers could choose the distance that suited them best.

2) It was a tribute to Niamh McGrath who died in a tragic accident in 2005.  Niamh introduced kayaking as an option for people with a spinal cord injury in 1998. With Niamh's support and endless enthusiasm, kayaking became a wonderful reality for people who have sustained a spinal cord injury and it has been included as an ongoing part of Spinal Injuries Ireland's venture sports activities programme. We remain truly grateful for all her support and encouragement.

The day turned out to be a marvellous success due to a combination of the fine weather, (easily the best day of the year) and the fantastic support from everyone who turned up on the day.   

The event also coincided with the K2 National Championships and SII would like to thank the K2’s for donating their entry fees to our organisation.

Over 100 people were on the water kayaking, ten of whom had a spinal cord injury. Huge credit has to be given to the organising team and Sandycove Kayak Club for the tremendous effort that went into the preparation and management of this event.  520 miles was the final tally which was a tribute to the great effort by all who participated and we would like to say a great big ‘thank you’ to everyone who took part. 

The success of the day was an example of how any kayak club can facilitate kayaking for people with a spinal cord injury.  If you are interested in trying your hand at kayaking contact the Irish Canoe Union to see if there is a club near you.   

Irish Canoe Union

Ph:  01 6251105 

Fax: 01 6251106



Spinal Injuries Ireland would like to say a special thank you to Michele Verdonck, Conor Walsh, Siobhan McMahon, Peter Nolan and Elaine Glynn who very generously gave their time and expertise over the past year to help people with a spinal cord injury prepare for the Blessington 500.  We would also like to thank the following people who lent their support and volunteered their services on the day:- Liz Power, Bernie Downes, Barbara  (Sandycove Kayak Club), Sean & Damian Downes, David Mongey, Irish Canoe Union, Rosanna & Diane Davison, Peadar Moran (ESB), Tony Connolly, Marty Hammond, Liam Whitty & catering staff (NRH), Ciaran O’Halloran (UCD), Alan McIlroy, Kilternan Venture Scouts, Kevin, Laura & Gillian Bradshaw, Caroline Whooley, Carmel Cunniffe, Siobhan O’Driscoll (SII), Rachel Kinsella, Tony Kelly, Irish Red Cross, Blessington Gardai, Togher Filling Station, Dun Laoghaire Powerboat School, Paul Ashmore (Avon Ri) and Tipperary Water.