Click here for VIDEO: Fresher's Weekend 07'*********************************
Hey hey hey hey,
As usual we will be meeting outside the gates to Trinity at half past eight - don't forget the clocks went back on Sunday, but yis should have cottoned by Thursday

If yis haven't perfected the Eskimo Rescue/T Rescue, this is your chance - it's a great technique to learn, it'll mean less swims on cold winter days, less hypothermia and brusied egos and arses and it is much easier to learn in the pool. Just ask anyone on the Committee/last years freshers to teach you.
For those of you who have learned how to roll, this is a great opportunity to hone your skills and practise hand-rolling, back-deck rolling, teaching, dunking fresher girls, pulling downs the boys pants, chasing Dee through the boys changing rooms and showers.
Deadly craic. And only 2euro. Jeez, you can't even get good heroin for that price.