Author Topic: A short message on behalf of the club  (Read 24689 times)

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2008, 15:28:12 »
This is my understanding of this story; others may know it better.

It was the last day of term last year. We had all been to and from the boathouse all day where the club tried to have a barbecue but kept getting busted up by services. Finally at about 1am, when we're the last ones on campus, a crowd of us - Dee and myself included - who had been hanging out on the steps of the biology building wander back down to the boat house. There's a services jeep outside and some services folks talking to a small crowd of canoe club people, so we hang back to see what's the what.

Except Dee, who waltzes right into the boathouse, flings open the inner doors, revealing a crowd of... revellers... inside, who've now just been busted having a naked party in the back of the boathouse while Mark was out front explaining to services that he was the only person there.

And then, icing on the cake, she says "Guys put your clothes on, services are outside", picks up her stuff, and waltzes off into the night again.

(I'd love to hear this story from the perspective of someone who was inside the boathouse at the time)

Offline TomB

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2008, 18:44:03 »
After the Liffey Descent Party 2006 we were back in Lousie Skelly's house. The party ran riot as usual, but towards the end of the night i go looking for a bed. I couldn't find one and had no sleeping bag. I decided in the end to jump into an occupied single bed. As the lights were off in the room, i didn't know who was in the bed. Judging by the unique reaction to my invasion, i knew it was only one person.

We spent possibly half an hour wrestling over the small duvet quilt and i was refusing to leave the bed to this lady's disgust. Several other people in the room were getting very annoyed over the noise we were making and several times told us to stop.

Eventually she excepts the fact that i'm not leaving, and that her previously comfortable slumper is now ruined. We share the quilt even though it is completely useless as it is hardly covering either of us.

Things go quite, everyone is nearly asleep. the two of use are sleeping back to back. The room is pitch black and you could hear a pin drop.

She then rolls over slowly and in a deep moaning voice says "Uhhhhhhhhhh ............. Ohh Tooooooom, you're soooo BIG"

Dee wakes up to histerical laughter from everyone in the room. She is completely unaware of how the context her comment was taken by everyone in the room and it had to be explained to her.

Miss you Dee

Offline Pia!

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2008, 11:25:25 »
Ah Dee! Only you would not see the dirty side to that comment!

In response to Diarmaid's story. I was one of the members of the naked party (i think it was only holly and myself who had clothes on)
Anyway, someone whispers "shit, services are coming" so we close the inner doors, keep quiet and marvel at our own cunning. Outside we can hear the newly appointed captain desperately trying to explain how the party had finished hours ago and it was only him in the boathouse-even though there's numerous bottles of bucky, a lit barbeque and a sack of potatoes (that myself and Dee had thought was a good idea to buy earlier) beside him. Everythings going great and it looks like services are starting to believe Mark then DEE arrives on the scene and drunkenly announces that she needs her bag. All of us inside can see what's gonna happen before it does but there's no time to put on our clothes! The door starts opening and Dee's happy face appears as she spots her bag. Then, once she notices the naked party, she has the cheek to look pissed off at us as she says "Guys put your clothes on, services are outside". All of us were quietly shouting "shut the door, shut the door!!" but it was too late. Services are so shocked by the group of naked students that Dee is able to saunter away and leave the rest of us to deal with the mess she had created!! You were always away with the fairies Dee!!

Offline Julieanne

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2008, 12:39:47 »
great idea guys,
unfortunately...i didnt know dee that well,
but il never forget her smile.
my fondest memory of dee wud have to be varsities wen she got lambe to put her jumper on,it was a classic..
the picture says it all!!!
ya will be sadly missed by so many dee xxx
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 12:44:47 by Julieanne »

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2008, 13:21:09 »
Go to Search, search for the word Dee in the board Quotes. So many memories.

"Then there was this gem from dee after she took drink out of her bag in the pub.

i thought you weren't drinking?
Dee: its not that i'm not drinking.......................... its just that i'm not paying for it"

Or from a Team GT do Portugal thread I just found:
Dee: asho ur dead! omg remove that avator!
Asho: but its hot dee i fancy u in it!
Dee: yeah i know im hot in it, u just look extra mingin ash!!!
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 13:37:18 by Zacchaeus »

Offline david

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2008, 15:28:49 »
Dee could alwoys suck up her fear and discomfort and just get on with it.

I've seen her nervous, grey face on the river bank a million times. Every time the crunch moment to either just suck it up or to back down arrived she would just suck it up and put on her spery deck. I really admired that in her.

When she was in first year she managed to swim in the energiser eddy. someone on a rope pulled her on to river the Right bank of jacksons and her boat flowed on to the river right eddy just above baby jacksons. I told her the only way to be reunited with her boat was to jump into the gorge (a total lie...). She was really nervous and babbleing about a fear of heights whn I yelled "ON THREE: ONE TWO..." and she was running and jumping into the gorge by the time I got to "...THREE".

Thanks for that one tom.

In easkey at the end of her first year she was the only fresher to surf the really big waves breaking onto the rocks. she was taking horrendous swim after horrendous swim as she had no idea how to roll. each time she swam she'd swim in with her boat, drag it up the beach and get back onto the water. and every time she did that my admiration for her grew and grew.

Offline becca

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2008, 02:56:28 »
i can't confine Dee to one memory,
i remember her for the way she used to pretend to be interested in your problems,
i love the way she thought her ugandan wedding dress was a bargain.
she was naive and explosive and responded to laptop Tv as if it were a living thing.she'd shoot you down faster than you could say "really short word" and didn't apologise.
she suprised me every day.
she cleaned the shower in sparkly silver eye shadow and marigolds and didn't hear me when i called her for luch because her earphones were blasting music so loud it was almost on an inaudible frequency.
the suprise that day was that she was actually cleaning the shower.
i love the way she handled disappointment.
i love that she threw up on Christmas Eve for eight years in a row because she was so excited.
i admired her loyalty.i love her for it.she was never afraid to loose out and attacked everything with a kind of energy that you just can't fake.
i remember her crying at the christmas party and being so embarrassed about it afterwards and i can't understand how anyone who knew her would want to make her sad. when someone works so hard at pretending they don't care it upsets you to see their pretence unravelling.
i remember the last time i spoke to her on the phone.i remember exactly what i was doing ,where i was standing.
i don't remember how she died because i wasn't there even though i told her i would be.
she set her own trap, baited it and stepped on it.
there's nobody to admire bravery when you die because we all make the exit in single file.
I love her.

Offline Asho87

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2008, 20:59:52 »
Dee slideshow from the AGM is up here:

quality kinda went funny when i changed format though :(


Offline Towelyey

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Re: A short message on behalf of the club
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2008, 18:17:06 »
i have one but i dont think it's appropriate for the book :)

at the christmas party dee dee decided to have a smoke with us - i gave out to her n said it was bad and all that jazz to which she laughed so we went outside and got our smokes out - she then said that she couldnt wait to become funny cos smokers are jokers :)
she then spent about 5mins trying to light the thing - i was in awe that a budding smoker couldnt even light it!! Nuala was gona light it for her but i insisted that she didnt desurve to smoke it unless she could light it!! so she kept trying and i tried to teach her but she was just not getting it so Nuala gave in n lit it for her in the end but it was really funny!!

bless her she was never meant to smoke!!!!