Author Topic: Watertech Irish Surf Kayak League 2008.  (Read 7354 times)

Offline kayaksurfireland

  • Posts: 16
Watertech Irish Surf Kayak League 2008.
« on: March 14, 2008, 12:51:47 »
Two weeks to go to the first competition of the Watertech Irish Surf Kayak League 2008.
As you know are supplying prizes of a brand new 'Lucifer' and a brand new 'Speedy' for best newcomer (defined as someone who has not competed in a glass boat before) and the overall winner of the 2008 league. Watertech are also going to be providing two demo boats that will be available for anyones use at every event. In fact the kayak manufactures are coming to the first event all the way from Portugal.
Also Munster Dive and Canoe will be supplying individual event prices for all the Munster events.
The exact location of the comp will be decided in the days just prior to the event. Notice will be posted on the new website and a mailing will be sent to all on the list. (If you want to be added to the mailing list just contact But it will be somewhere between Lahinch and Doonbeg.
If you are interested please pre register before the competition weekend. All you need do is let us know which class you wish to enter - short and/or long boat.- age and sex.
You can compete in any boat, glass or plastic. Under the international surf kayak rules ( helmets, BAs and grab straps are mandatory in all heats.
Of course there is also the mandatory session in Lahinch on the Saturday night.
The competition dates are;
EVENT ONE comp 1 29th-30th March, Co. Clare
EVENT TWO come and try it/ training weekend, 14th -15th April, Co Cork wrong should be 12 13
EVENT THREE comp 2 10th -11th May, Co. Donegal
EVENT FOUR comp 3 7th-8th June, Co Kerry
EVENT FIVE kayak / wave ski challenge 29th -30th July, Co. Sligo wrong should be 26 27
EVENT SIX coaching on west coast 16th -17th August ( follow the swell)
EVENT SEVEN training weekend 12th -13th Sept, Co. Clare and Co Donegal wrong should be 13 14
EVENT EIGHT comp 4 Irish open 4/5th October, Co Sligo
EVENT NINE Europeans waveski championships 6th -12th October Easkey Co. Sligo