Author Topic: Left in my car....  (Read 5921 times)

Offline kjt

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Left in my car....
« on: April 02, 2008, 21:26:10 »
I don't know how I've had all this stuff for so long but here's a list of things that have been left in my car over the past while:

- One black, one white sock. Lambe... pretty sure their yours.

- One blue carabiner from the rescue weekend. Pretty sure this is Cians?

- Yellow Hanes Hoody which has a skull & boat on the front
  says "Im a pirate and this is my ship"

- A navy waterproof jacket

- A pale-grey/denim inside-out turny jacket

- Caoimhe's Rope. I thought this was Meabh's, I've left this hanging up in the boathouse

- A drinking bottle, blue and see-through. I think this is Gregggggs

Sara, I've given Cathy your thermals and she's going to bring them into college this week.

Offline JODY

  • Posts: 1,161
Re: Left in my car....
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 21:42:35 »
Any of the gang who came to Wales wanna claim the bag of burst yoghurts i found in my car today??? Yes, today.... a whole week after we got home ::)

Offline Kat

  • Posts: 223
Re: Left in my car....
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 21:23:41 »
All I can say jody, is you should tidy your car more often.  phewee