Boats and Gear > Lost and Found

Found in the Boathouse


When I was cleaning up the boathouse I found a number of things in the loft that people may want back. There's a few sleeping bags and a tent. They could have been up there for quite a while.

Sleeping bags
1 Vang Ultralite 100 (black)
1 Packed but Unnamed Navy Sleeping Bag
1 Quechua S20 Simple (red)
1 Voyager Compact Lite (black)
1 Eurohike 150 (green) (unpacked)
1 Unpacked, Unnamed Navy Sleeping Bag

1 Wynnster Prairie 4 person tent (green)

If any of these sound like they might be yours come and have a look at some point. Jimmy, your enormous house tent is also still in the boathouse.

I think the Black Vang Ultralite 100 may be mine


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