The most
fantastic weekend of the year so far is here.
Lahinch is on it's way and I know
everybody wants to go. This amazing weekend of drinking and surfing and drinking and Trinity slagging is all set. All we're missing now is
We leave UCD on Friday the 21st (if you can't figure out how far away that is just look at the countdown timer) and we come back on Sunday the 23rd. The
theme for the Saturday night
pub crawl and partying is
Board Games so I hope you all have lots of ideas for your costumes.
The weekend will cost €60 for those who pay on or before this Saturday. We will also take a deposit of €30 to secure your place at the lower price. After Saturday the price will go up to €70 so make sure you have that extra €10 for your bottle of Bucky.
Pay me and me only. I'll be at the board at 1 on Thursday and Friday and everyday next week as well as at the pool sessions and this Saturday's trip.
Oldies, this part is for you:
Bus only - Full price
Bus 1 way - Full price
Hostel only (2 nights) - €35
Hostel only (1night) - €20No other combinations of hostel/bus payment will be considered.
This is a fantastic weekend and was my favourite last year