Author Topic: to kerry or not to kerry?  (Read 42142 times)

Offline JODY

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2009, 14:04:55 »
I'd say stay in Kerry... there are so many good rivers down there & we are a canoe club after all... thats what we go for (if only it would rain  ::)).

I dont think the prices are excesive in Rossbeigh considering the demand, its just a pity the houses are so cold but thats gonna be a problem wherever we go. It is the middle of winter & most holiday house are built for summer use.

Anyway, has anyone gone on the other clubs boards about it yet? As far as i know a few of the colleges already have plans about where to go next year.

Offline Siobhan UL

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2009, 17:21:34 »
Price vs value may be a bigger issue.  The hire price may be the same in August but you are far less likely to have to spend the first two days of your rental getting the damp and cold out of the house then and there is a huge expense involved in that also.

I'd be up for changing but I've no idea about the rest of UL.

Offline Sick Boy

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2009, 17:26:59 »
i have been talking to trash about it. infact it was trinity who suggested we look into it last year, i think something came up and we never got round to it. as far as i know trash has been talking to some people from ul. anyway what i got back from her was that everyone might be interested at looking for another possible location, maybe hence this post are peeps interested and so on and so forth. you picking up what im puting down?

Offline dannylyit

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2009, 01:24:54 »
If you are looking at donegal i could give you a few places to go. A few of us were to be in kerry for the new years but i couldnt get off work which ruined it for everyone else as i was driving but from limerick to donegal is 4 hours. Have made that trip many times and its pretty much within the time frame of getting to dublin on a busy day. It was timed for me to be in rossbeigh in 5.30 hours.. i do drive fast but not excessively fast so the north west is within reach of most clubs.

The roads are pretty good in most places... like on every road except the ones in donegal... naw its not that bad but its like any county in the northwest they are bad in places.

Keep us posted in Lyit about where you's are headn throughout the year and ill get the club to move on more events than just the intervarsities.

Oh there is a place in donegal called rosbeg and it is int he middle of nowhere with good surf and river close by and oh there is one hotel/pub there so why change the name just the location  :P

And it rains a hell of a lot more in donegal than anywhere else so rain isnt usally a problem for us
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 02:10:02 by dannylyit »

Offline roz

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2009, 02:27:52 »
arrgghhh, it's 2.30 in the mornig, I just got in from work(sort off) and have just read this.... Stay Stay Stay.... I'll write more ing the morning.... no body go anywhere!!!!

Offline Sara

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2009, 11:00:09 »
Can we add,
'at least 3 different rivers of a grade 3 or 4 standard'
to the selection criteria, The whole talk of places with surf and maybe one river is very upsetting *sob*


Offline kmck

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2009, 11:41:55 »
How about this:
1.Surf nearby( Finnian's bay is about an hour from rossbeigh)
2.At least 3 rivers of grade 3 to 4 standard
3.At least one of grade 2-3
4.At least ten holiday homes in close proximity with a further twenty local
5.A large bar

Extras a beach close by for swimming ::) a shopping centre, and some form of leisure centre within an hours drive.

Offline Sara

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2009, 12:23:03 »
Im liking your list Mr McKevitt!

Offline Amanda

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2009, 13:04:29 »
I think most of the problems with Kerry would be solved my moving a mile up the road to glenbeigh and basing the clubs there.
There were a lot less people there this year and a lot of houses didn't rent so in theory should be cheaper next year and don't have the same reputation of being iceboxes but this year was colder than most.

The cork oldies had a house this year for 100euros a head including light and heat, there is better value out there just find someone who speaks local.

Glenbeigh is also meant to be a lot of fun for a night. There were bands in the towers most night we were there this year and they enjoy the same opening hours in the village expect the night the sergeant was off sick.

The main advantage of there it is now is how familiar it is, both the locality and the rivers. I know where I am cos I was drunk here before and the get off is actually around the next corner.

But i don't like change ;)

Offline AENGUS!

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2009, 13:09:55 »
I tought Kerry was great fun!! I guess maybe it could get a bit boring for people who've been going there for years, but looking at that list of what there is in Kerry I'd say it would be pretty hard to find anwhere as well suited as rossbeigh!!

Offline annie nuigkc

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2009, 13:41:38 »
Quote from: Myself, on ULs forum
How about just not booking the iceboxes?

Book every other house in Rossbeigh and Glenbeigh instead. Our house in Rossbeigh this year was 150euro cheaper than an icebox, and a lot bigger. Last year we had a massive place in Glenbeigh and it worked out really well.

See how that goes for a year before changing.

I can't think of anywhere better than Kerry for whitewater and surf, with a suitably-sized pub in the middle of nowhere...

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2009, 13:47:00 »
Quote from: Myself, on ULs forum
How about just not booking the iceboxes?

Book every other house in Rossbeigh and Glenbeigh instead. Our house in Rossbeigh this year was 150euro cheaper than an icebox, and a lot bigger. Last year we had a massive place in Glenbeigh and it worked out really well.

See how that goes for a year before changing.

I can't think of anywhere better than Kerry for whitewater and surf, with a suitably-sized pub in the middle of nowhere...

the problem with that is that several of the houses / house-owners aren't willing to rent to us anymore. especially for the club house, they have to book it under a private individual's name (eg a committee member) and will often be subjected to a grilling to make sure they're not a college kayak club. it's fine for the newer colleges who haven't burned their bridges, or for houses of oldies who have no clear university affiliation, but a lot of houses are hard to get a hold of.

I didn't think the ice boxes were that cold and I don't think we spent more than maybe €20 or €30 on electricity plus the same on coal, split 7 ways over a week. that's not that bad.

although I have to disagree with amanda - this was an incredibly mild Kerry compared with how the weather has been in the past.

Offline JODY

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2009, 14:11:56 »
Jeez Annie no need to get so ranty  ;) he he he

I stayed in a massive house in Glenbeigh with a few of UCD & the Galway guys one year, it slept 10 of us & electricity & heating were included. I think it worked out at €80 for food & accom for the week. It would make a savage club house if we did go there next year!!!

Glenbeigh could work but its not gonna have the same atmosphere as Rossbeigh because it'll be more spread out.

Oh & Aengus I think Kerry actually gets better every year, not boring!!!!  :)

Offline Sara

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2009, 14:18:52 »
I like Annies Idea :)
And Yeah Kerry gets better every year :)


Offline Monkey Loving Bob

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Re: to kerry or not to kerry?
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2009, 15:04:45 »
And Yeah Kerry gets better every year :)

Like wine, cheese and guys right Sara?